Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of FDORfc21

05/22/08 08:47:31 (17 years ago)



  • FDORfc21

    v3 v4  
    121121 * '''From Greg Boone:''' Will the files be maintained ?
    122    * Yes, if necessary. Now is way easier to build without the need of This give a wonderfull idea to add the build of thirdparty already on main cmakew scripts ( easy step too ) and just add simple instructions on documentation to build
     122   * Yes, if necessary. Now is way easier to build without the need of This give a wonderfull idea to add the build of thirdparty already on main cmake scripts ( easy step too ) and just add simple instructions on documentation to build
    124124 * '''From Greg Boone:''' Who will document the new build system for our users ?
    127127 * '''From Greg Boone:''' On which Linux systems will the new build system be officially tested ?
    128    * From my side, i work for Mandriva as lead KDE team developer and core distro developer. I'm able to test ( and often have personal contact with some developers ) with Suse team and Red Hat team, so this can be what i can propose, Mandriva, Suse and RedHat/Fedora.  I know that Ubuntu is a desired target too, a know personally some people working there and can try persuade some people to help, but my deep knowledge relied on Mandriva, Suse and Red Hat.
     128   * From my side, i work for Mandriva as lead KDE team developer and core distro developer. I'm able to test ( and often have personal contact with some developers ) with Suse team and Red Hat team, so this can be what i can propose, Mandriva, Suse and RedHat/Fedora.  I know that Ubuntu is a desired target too, i know personally some people working there and can try persuade some people to help, but my deep knowledge relies on Mandriva, Suse and Red Hat.
    130130 * '''From Greg Boone:'''  How are Windows .vcproj and .sln files generated from the cmake files ? How can custom .vcproj actions currently defined in the .vcproj files be captured by the cmake files ?