
Version 10 (modified by oresthalustchak, 16 years ago) ( diff )


FDO RFC 22 - Enhance expression engine CONCAT function

This page contains an change request (RFC) for the FDO Open Source project. More FDO RFCs can be found on the RFCs page.


RFC Template Version(1.0)
Submission Date June 25, 2008
Last Modified Dan Stoica Timestamp
AuthorDan Stoica, Orest Halustchak
RFC Statusadopted
Implementation Statuspending
Proposed Milestone3.5.0.0
Assigned PSC guide(s)Greg Boone
Voting History
+1Orest, Traian, Greg, Jackie


This RFC is for adding an additional syntax to the CONCAT function of the expression engine.


The existing CONCAT function syntax is difficult to work with when multiple concatenations need to be done. It requires the CONCAT functions be nested whenever a new item needs to be concatenated.

Proposed Solution

The proposed solution is to add support for an additional syntax to the CONCAT function.

Old syntax:

CONCAT ('Parcel ID: ', CONCAT ( PID , CONCAT ('\nOwner Name: ', CONCAT ( OWNER_NAME , CONCAT ('\nAddress: ',  SITE_ADDR )))))

New syntax:

CONCAT ('Parcel ID: ', PID , '\nOwner Name: ', OWNER_NAME, '\nAddress: ', SITE_ADDR )

The new syntax will consist of a comma delimited list of concatenation items.

In terms of API changes, the following addition to FdoFunctionDefinition class is proposed:


class FdoFunctionDefinition : public FdoIDisposable

    /// \brief
    /// Indicates that this object allows its list of arguments to be variable so the 
    /// last argument may be repeated. 
    /// \return
    /// Returns false

FDO_API virtual bool FdoFunctionDefinition::SupportsVariableArgumentsList()
    return false;

FdoFunctionConcat will override SupportsVariableArgumentsList() to return true instead. It will relax the check for allowed number of literal values passed in for evaluation.


/// Indicates that this object allows its list of arguments to be variable so the 
/// last argument may be repeated. 
virtual bool SupportsVariableArgumentsList()
    return true;


The existing CONCAT function syntax will continue to be supported in addition to the new syntax.

The client UI has the means to display "..." by checking the new method.

Test Plan

Test that the existing and new CONCAT function syntax work. Update the Expression Engine unit test to exercise CONCAT with extra arguments.


Autodesk to provide resurces / funding.

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