25 | | Enable the FDO API to support SQL pass-through commands that return an FDO feature reader, referencing a proper FDO schema, not simply an FDO data reader. The feature reader will contain proper geometry properties, relations and associations. This enhancement is also intended to allow client applications that use FDO Feature Readers to code their applications in a generic manner so that data coming back from Select or SQL Pass Through statements can be processed in a uniform manner, thus reducing complexity, costs and time to implement. |
| 25 | The FDO API currently defines support for a SQL command that allows for pass-through execution of SQL statements as a !NonQuery or as a query that return a simple data reader listing the data (or column in the case of SQL) properties returned as a result of the execution. The definition of the SQL command has remained static over the last number of releases as primary development effort focused on extending other aspects of the FDO API, implementing new providers, etc. However, over the last few releases some requirements for change have accumulated as RDBMS providers have implemented SQL command support and clients have attempted to integrate use of the SQL command into their applications in a seamless manner. |
| 26 | |
| 27 | One key request that has been received, has been the desire to have the FDO API support SQL pass-through commands that return an FDO feature reader, referencing a proper FDO schema, not simply an FDO data reader. The feature reader will contain proper geometry properties, relations and associations. This enhancement is also intended to allow client applications that use FDO Feature Readers to code their applications in a generic manner so that data coming back from Select or SQL Pass Through statements can be processed in a uniform manner, thus reducing complexity, costs and time to implement. |
180 | | /// in situations where large amout of data is expected. |
181 | | /// providers will want to minimize the Data Store round |
182 | | /// trips: For example tetch 10,000 rows in one execution step. |
| 182 | /// in situations where large amout of data are expected |
| 183 | /// when the SQL command is executed and providers need |
| 184 | /// to minimize the number of Data Store round trips |
| 185 | /// For example, fetch 10,000 rows in one execution step. |
193 | | /// in situations where large amout of data is expected. |
194 | | /// providers will want to minimize the Data Store round |
195 | | /// trips: For example tetch 10,000 rows in one execution step. |
| 196 | /// in situations where large amout of data are expected |
| 197 | /// when the SQL command is executed and providers need |
| 198 | /// to minimize the number of Data Store round trips |
| 199 | /// For example, fetch 10,000 rows in one execution step. |