Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of FDORfc59

04/11/11 07:44:54 (14 years ago)



  • FDORfc59

    v33 v34  
    185185=== Class FdoISplineSegmentAbstract ===
    187 {{{
    188 /// \brief
    189 /// The FdoISplineSegmentAbstract class is the base class for
    190 /// Spline segments (abstract)
    191 ///
     187The FdoISplineSegmentAbstract class is the base class for Spline segments (abstract)
    192191class FdoISplineSegmentAbstract : public FdoICurveSegmentAbstract
    289288=== Class FdoICubicSplineSegment ===
    291 {{{
    292 /// \brief
    293 /// The FdoICubicSplineSegment class is a Cubic Spline geometry type.
    294 /// A cubic spline is a spline constructed of piecewise third-order polynomials
    295 /// which pass through a set of control positions. The second derivative of each
    296 /// polynomial is commonly set to zero at the end position, since this provides a
    297 /// boundary condition that completes the system of equations.
    298 ///
     290The FdoICubicSplineSegment class is a Cubic Spline geometry type. A cubic spline is a spline constructed of piecewise third-order polynomials which pass through a set of control positions. The second derivative of each polynomial is commonly set to zero at the end position, since this provides a boundary condition that completes the system of equations.
    299294class FdoICubicSplineSegment : public FdoISplineSegmentAbstract
    324319=== Enum !GeometricKnotTypes ===
    326 {{{
    327 /// \brief
    328 /// Enumeration used to identify the B-spline knot type used to
    329 /// ineterpolate a B-Spline. 
    330 ///
    331 /// \remarks
    332 /// A B-spline is uniform if and only if all knots are
    333 /// of multiplicity 1 and they differ by a positive constant
    334 /// from the preceding knot.
    335 ///
    336 /// A B-spline is quasi-uniform if and
    337 /// only if the knots are of multiplicity (degree+1) at the ends,
    338 /// of multiplicity 1 elsewhere, and they differ by a positive constant
    339 /// from the preceding knot.
    340 ///
    341 /// In general, in a piecewise Bezier knot vector, the first k knots are
    342 /// the same, then each subsequent group of k-1 knots is the same,
    343 /// until you get to the end. Note that a piecewise Bézier curve must
    344 /// have nk–1 control positions, where n is the number of segments
    345 /// (i.e., the number of control positions is one less than an even
    346 /// multiple of the order).
    347 ///
     321Enumeration used to identify the B-spline knot type used to ineterpolate a B-Spline. 
     323A B-spline is uniform if and only if all knots are of multiplicity 1 and they differ by a positive constant from the preceding knot.
     325A B-spline is quasi-uniform if and only if the knots are of multiplicity (degree+1) at the ends, of multiplicity 1 elsewhere, and they differ by a positive constant from the preceding knot.
     327In general, in a piecewise Bezier knot vector, the first k knots are the same, then each subsequent group of k-1 knots is the same, until you get to the end. Note that a piecewise Bézier curve must have nk–1 control positions, where n is the number of segments (i.e., the number of control positions is one less than an even multiple of the order).
    348331enum FdoGeometricKnotType
    350333    /// The knots are appropriate for a uniform B-spline.
    351334    /// e.g. [0 1 2 3 4 5].
    352     ///
    353335    FdoGeometricKnotType_Uniform = 500,
    355337    /// The knots are appropriate for a quasi-uniform B-spline.
    356338    /// e.g. [0 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 3]
    357     ///
    358339    FdoGeometricKnotType_QuasiUniform = 501,
    360341    /// The knots are appropriate for a piecewise Bezier curve.
    361342    /// e.g. [0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3]
    362     ///
    363343    FdoGeometricKnotType_PiecewiseBezier = 502,
    367347=== Class FdoIBSplineKnot ===
    369 {{{
    370 /// \brief
    371 /// Controls the constructive parameter space for spline curves.
    372 /// Each knot sequence is used for a dimension of the spline's
    373 /// parameter space.
    374 ///
     349Class FdoIBSplineKnot controls the constructive parameter space for spline curves. Each knot sequence is used for a dimension of the spline's parameter space.
    375353class FdoIBSplineKnot : public FdoIDisposable
    411389=== Class FdoBSplineKnotCollection ===
    413 {{{
    414 /// \brief
    415 ///  The FdoBSplineKnotCollection class is a collection of FdoIBSplineKnot objects.
    416 ///
     391The FdoBSplineKnotCollection class is a collection of FdoIBSplineKnot objects.
    417395class FdoBSplineKnotCollection : public FdoCollection<FdoIBSplineKnot, FdoException>
    430408=== Class FdoIBSplineSegment ===
    432 {{{
    433 /// \brief
    434 /// The FdoIBSplineSegment class is a B-Spline geometry type.
    435 /// A B-Spline is a piecewise parametric polynomial or rational
    436 /// curve described in terms of control positions and basis functions.
    437 /// The interpolation method may be either "polynomial" or "rational"
    438 /// depending on the interpolation type; default is "polynomial".
    439 ///
     410The FdoIBSplineSegment class is a B-Spline geometry type. A B-Spline is a piecewise parametric polynomial or rational curve described in terms of control positions and basis functions. The interpolation method may be either "polynomial" or "rational" depending on the interpolation type; default is "polynomial".
    440414class FdoIBSplineSegment : public FdoISplineSegmentAbstract
    513 === Geometry Factory ===
    515 {{{
    516 /// \brief
    517 /// 
    518 /// The FdoGeometryFactoryAbstract class is a factory (abstract, non-pure)
    519 /// for Geometry objects and Geometry helper objects.
    520 ///
     487=== Additions to the Geometry Factory Class ===
     489The !GeometryFactoryAbstract class is a factory (abstract, non-pure) for Geometry objects and Geometry helper objects.
    521493class FdoGeometryFactoryAbstract : public FdoIDisposable
    527496    /// EllipticalArcSegment
    980949=== ICurveSegmentAbstract ===
    982 {{{
    983 /// \brief
    984 /// The FdoICurveSegmentAbstract class is an abstract geometric Curve Segment object. 
    985 /// This class is used strictly as a component of curves
    986 /// and, thus, does not inherit from IGeometry.
     951The FdoICurveSegmentAbstract class is an abstract geometric Curve Segment object. This class is used strictly as a component of curves and, thus, does not inherit from IGeometry.
    987955class FdoICurveSegmentAbstract : public FdoIDisposable
    10591027=== IArcSegmentAbstract ===
    1061 {{{
    1062 /// \brief
    1063 /// The FdoIArcSegmentAbstract class is an arc curve segment (abstract)
     1029The FdoIArcSegmentAbstract class is an arc curve segment (abstract)
    10641033class FdoIArcSegmentAbstract : public FdoICurveSegmentAbstract
    10851054=== ICircularArcSegment ===
    1087 {{{
    1088 /// \brief
    1089 /// The FdoICircularArcSegment class is a circular arc curve segment
     1056The FdoICircularArcSegment class is a circular arc curve segment
    10901060class FdoICircularArcSegment : public FdoIArcSegmentAbstract
    11031073=== ILineStringSegment ===
    1105 {{{
    1106 /// \brief
    1107 /// The FdoILineStringSegment class is a LineString curve segment type. 
    1108 /// The shape of FdoILineStringSegment is the set of positions defined
    1109 /// by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between
    1110 /// consecutive points. This is a helper type for Geometries in the
    1111 /// Geometry package.
    1112 ///
    1113 /// \remarks
    1114 /// It does not derive from IGeometry.
    1115 ///
     1075The FdoILineStringSegment class is a LineString curve segment type.  The shape of FdoILineStringSegment is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points. This is a helper type for Geometries in the Geometry package.
     1077Note: It does not derive from IGeometry.
    11161081class FdoILineStringSegment : public FdoICurveSegmentAbstract