Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of FDORfc60

04/13/11 08:57:11 (14 years ago)



  • FDORfc60

    v12 v13  
    191191Through such an organization of Annotation properties into !FdoAnnotationPropertyDefinition and !FdoAnnotationTextElementClass types, multiple Annotation definitions can then be created and added to a single feature class definition, each named uniquely and pointing to a distinct !TextElement class.
     193===== Enhanced FDO Class and Property Types =====
     195In order for the !AnnotationTextElement class type to be recognizable when reading an FDO schema, the FDO API Class Type enumeration will be extended to include an enumeration value for type !AnnotationTextElementClass. 
     199enum FdoClassType
     201    FdoClassType_Class,
     202    FdoClassType_FeatureClass,
     203    ...
     204    ...
     205    FdoClassType_AnnotationTextElementClass
     209This enumerated value will be returned by the implementation of
     213FdoClassType FdoAnnotationTextElementClass::GetClassType();
     216In order for the !AnnotationPropertyDefinition type to be recognizable when reading an FDO schema, the FDO API Property Type enumeration will be extended to include an enumeration value for type !AnnotationPropertyDefinition. 
     220enum FdoPropertyType
     222    FdoPropertyType_DataProperty,
     223    FdoPropertyType_ObjectProperty,
     224    FdoPropertyType_GeometricProperty,
     225    FdoPropertyType_AssociationProperty,
     226    FdoPropertyType_RasterProperty,
     227    FdoPropertyType_AnnotationProperty
     231This enumerated value will be returned by the implementation of
     235FdoPropertyType FdoAnnotationPropertyDefinition::GetPropertyType();
     238==== FDO Logical Schema to Physical Schema ====
     240Using the same FDO classes and physical schema elements introduced in the above sections, here is an FDO code example on how an !ApplySchema Command would be executed to create a physical schema from an FDO logical schema.
     244// Create the schema
     245FdoFeatureSchemaP schema = FdoFeatureSchema::Create(L"Default", L"");
     246FdoClassCollectionP classes = schema->GetClasses();
     248// Create the RoadAnnotation TextElements Class
     249FdoAnnotationTextElementClassP txtElementClassDef =
     250    FdoAnnotationTextElementClass::Create(L"RoadAnnotation", L"");
     251FdoPropertyDefinitionCollectionP txtElementProps =
     252    txtElementClassDef->GetProperties();
     253FdoDataPropertyDefinitionCollectionP txtElementIdProps =
     254    txtElementClassDef->GetIdentityProperties();;
     256// Create a ParentId property to hold the parent ID that owns the text element
     257FdoDataPropertyDefinitionP dataProp =
     258    FdoDataPropertyDefinition::Create(L"ParentId", L"");
     264// The ParentId property is a class ID property
     268// Explicitly set the ParentId property
     271// Create a ParentId property so that Text Elements can be ordered
     272dataProp = FdoDataPropertyDefinition::Create(L"SequenceId", L"");
     278// The SequenceId property is a class ID property
     282// Explicitly set the SequenceId property
     285// Create a string data property that will hold the Text Element Value
     286dataProp = FdoDataPropertyDefinition::Create(L"TextValue", L"");
     290// Explicitly set the Text Element Value property
     293// Create a string data property that will hold the Text Element Attributes
     294dataProp = FdoDataPropertyDefinition::Create(L"TextAttributes", L"");
     298// Explicitly set the Text Element Attributes property
     301// Create a Geometry Location property for the Text Element
     302FdoGeometricPropertyDefinitionP geoProp =
     303FdoGeometricPropertyDefinition::Create(L"Location", L"");
     305geoProp->SetGeometryTypes((int)(FdoGeometryType_Point)); // Point
     308// Explicitly set the Geometry Location property
     311// Create a Geometry LeaderLine property for the Text Element
     312geoProp = FdoGeometricPropertyDefinition::Create(L"LeaderLine", L"");
     317// Explicitly set the Geometry LeaderLine property
     320// Add the class to the schema
     323// Create the Read class
     324FdoFeatureClassP classDef = FdoFeatureClass::Create(L"Road", L"");
     325FdoPropertyDefinitionCollectionP props = classDef->GetProperties();
     326FdoDataPropertyDefinitionCollectionP idProps = classDef->GetIdentityProperties();;
     328// Create an Annotation property to allow reference to the TextElements
     329FdoAnnotationPropertyDefinitionP annotationProp =
     330    FdoAnnotationPropertyDefinition::Create(L"Annotation", L"");
     333// Create a Road Identity property
     334dataProp = FdoDataPropertyDefinition::Create(L"FeatId", L"");
     340// The FeatId property is an ID property
     344// Set the annotation identity property
     347// Create a Name property
     348dataProp = FdoDataPropertyDefinition::Create(L"Name", L"");
     352// Create a Width property
     353dataProp = FdoDataPropertyDefinition::Create(L"Width", L"");
     357// Create a Geometry to contain the Road location
     358geoProp = FdoGeometricPropertyDefinition::Create(L"Location", L"");
     360geoProp->SetGeometryTypes((int)(FdoGeometryType_CurveString)); // CurveString
     363// Set the geometry property for the class
     366// Create a Geometry Envelope to contain the TextElements extents
     367geoProp = FdoGeometricPropertyDefinition::Create(L"TextEnvelope", L"");
     369geoProp->SetGeometryTypes((int)(FdoGeometryType_CurveString)); // CurveString
     372// Set the annotation envelope property
     375// Create a string data property that will hold the default TextElement Value
     376dataProp = FdoDataPropertyDefinition::Create(L"TextDefaultValue", L"");
     380// Explicitly set the Text Element Value property
     383// Create a string data property that will hold the default TextElement Attributes
     384dataProp = FdoDataPropertyDefinition::Create(L"TextDefaultAttributes", L"");
     388// Explicitly set the Text Element Attributes property
     391// Add the class to the schema
     394// Execute ApplySchema to create the schema
     395FdoIApplySchemaP applyschema =
     396    (FdoIApplySchema*)(connection->CreateCommand(FdoCommandType_ApplySchema));
    193404== Implications ==