Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of FDORfc73

04/26/18 19:06:52 (7 years ago)



  • FDORfc73

    v1 v1  
     1= FDO RFC 72 - Update WFS provider to support 2.0.0 =
     3This page contains an change request (RFC) for the FDO Open Source project. 
     4More FDO RFCs can be found on the [wiki:FDORfcs RFCs] page.
     7== Status ==
     9||RFC Template Version||(1.0)||
     10||Submission Date|| April 26, 2018 ||
     11||Last Modified|| Greg Boone - April 26, 2018||
     12||Author||Greg Boone||
     13||RFC Status||In Progress||
     14||Implementation Status||||
     15||Proposed Milestone||||
     16||Assigned PSC guide(s)||Greg Boone||
     17||'''Voting History'''|| ||
     18||+1||Jackie, Greg, Simon ||
     19||+0|| ||
     20||-0|| ||
     21||-1|| ||
     23== Overview ==
     25FDO now complies with LGPL v2.1 licensing.
     27Re-reading the terms of LGPL 2.1, David Ji indicated that LGPL specifies certain limitations when dealing with static linkage to open source libraries.
     29Please refer to reference - ​
     31There are a series of !GenericRdbms projects in FDO which are designed and configured as static libraries, e.g. providersCommon, schemaMgr, smLogicalPhysical and so on. It would not be possible to create a new !GenericRdbms 3rd party provider without using those static libraries.
     33The FDO Steering Committee suggests that the FDO project add an exception to the LPGL license to allow 3rd party developers to link to a published set open source projects. This can mitigate misunderstanding and potential legal risks for our developers.
     35Please refer to for additional details.
     37== Motivation ==
     39Clarify the FDO LPGL license requirements for FDO GenericRdbs Provider development.
     41== Proposed Solution ==
     43Update the FDO License agreement to provide static library exceptions for the following:
     45Static libraries:
     47!ProvidersCommon.lib \\
     48!FdoGenericOra.lib \\
     49Gdbi_Oracle.lib \\
     50!GrdSchemaMgr.lib \\
     51!LockManager.lib \\
     52!LongTransactionManager.lib \\
     53!SchemaMgrNew.lib \\
     54SchemaMgr_LPNew.lib \\
     55SchemaMgr_OVNew.lib \\
     56SchemaMgr_PHNew.lib \\
     57FDONLS.lib \\
     59Corresponding project names: \\
     61Utilities\Common\!FdoCommon.vcxproj \\
     62Providers\!GenericRdbms\Src\Fdo\Fdo_Oracle.vcxproj \\
     63Providers\!GenericRdbms\Src\Gdbi\Gdbi_Oracle.vcxproj \\
     64Providers\!GenericRdbms\Src\!SchemaMgr\!GrdSchemaMgr.vcxproj \\
     65Providers\!GenericRdbms\Src\!LockManager\!LockManager.vcxproj \\
     66Providers\!GenericRdbms\Src\!LongTransactionManager\!LongTransactionManager.vcxproj \\
     67Utilities\!SchemaMgr\!SchemaMgr.vcxproj \\
     68Utilities\!SchemaMgr\!LogicalPhysical.vcxproj \\
     69Utilities\!SchemaMgr\Overrides.vcxproj \\
     70Utilities\!SchemaMgr\Physical.vcxproj \\
     71Fdo\Unmanaged\Nls.vcxproj \\
     73== Implications ==
     75FDO will  adopt a custom licensing scheme that uses LPGL 2.1 as a base but provides the necessary exceptions.
     77== Test Plan ==
     81== !Funding/Resources ==