This page collects information about the wxGUI [http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_AddOns GRASS AddOns] management from developer point of view.
== !AddOns XML file ==
GRASS !AddOns metadata XML file can be created by [source:grass-addons/tools/addons/build-xml.py build-xml.py] Python script available from SVN. It's creating XML file `modules.xml` in `~/.grass6/addons` for GRASS 6 and in `~/.grass7/addons` for GRASS 7.
Starts a graphics display monitor which can be controlled from the command line.
Generate ground control points for image group to be rectified.
imagery,ground control points
Unpacks a vector map packed with r.pack.
There is also available script called [source:grass-addons/tools/addons/compile-xml.sh compile-xml.sh] which compiles GRASS !AddOns modules for GRASS 6 and GRASS 7 and creates XML metadata file. This script simply calls `compile.sh` and `build-xml.py`. When running the script the main log file is stored in `~/grass/addons/log/ALL.log` and each modules log in `~/.grass/addons/log/.log`. Beside that the script also prints basic information about progress to standard output
At revision 49265.
AddOns '/home/landa/.grass7/addons'...
Compiling d.mon2... SUCCESS
Compiling i.points.auto... SUCCESS
Compiling v.unpack... SUCCESS
AddOns '/home/landa/.grass6/addons'...
Compiling d.barb... SUCCESS
Compiling d.edit.rast... SUCCESS
Compiling v.what.rast.buffer... SUCCESS
Creating XML file '/home/landa/.grass7/addons/modules.xml'...
Parsing ... SUCCESS
Parsing ... SUCCESS
Parsing ... SUCCESS
Creating XML file '/home/landa/.grass6/addons/modules.xml'...
Parsing ... FAILED
Parsing ... SUCCESS
Parsing ... SUCCESS
Daily re-created XML files are available from http://grass.osgeo.org/addons/
== Compile !AddOns on MS Windows ==
Background: `g.extension`(.py) in winGRASS is not trying to compile given !AddOn as on GNU/Linux, it just downloads pre-compiled binaries from the remote server.
If you would like to try to build them yourself you must ensure that the osgeo4w and GRASS software is located in paths without spaces in them. The Make system we use can't deal with that, and it is beyond our control to fix.
The GRASS !AddOns binaries are downloaded in winGRASS by default from http://wingrass.fsv.cvut.cz, eg. for GRASS 7 it's http://wingrass.fsv.cvut.cz/grass70/addons. The GRASS !AddOns are compiled on that server by script [source:grass-addons/tools/addons/compile.sh compile.sh] available from SVN.