Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of GSoC/2014

01/30/14 19:17:21 (11 years ago)

GSoC idea for Testing framework for GRASS GIS


  • GSoC/2014

    v4 v5  
     23=== Testing framework for GRASS GIS ===
     25 * GRASS GIS needs automated testing mechanism which should:
     26  * be part of the main source code to be actually used
     27  * be at least somehow easy to use, so that everybody can write tests
     28  * be cross-platform, so that it runs even on MS Windows where tests are desperately needed
     29 * The purpose of this project is to develop a general mechanism which would be applicable for testing GRASS modules, libraries or workflows with different data sets.
     30 * Several sample tests for different parts of code, especially modules, will be written to test the testing framework.
     31 * The testing framework will permit usage of different testing methods such as doctests, Python scripts, Shell scripts or even compiled C programs, although they might not be applicable for all platforms. This will enable the possibility to use existing tests in GRASS source code and also user scripts as test cases in the proposed testing framework.
     32 * The testing framework will enable the use of different testing data sets because different test cases might need special data.
     33 * The testing of GUI in terms of the graphical user interface itself will not be covered by this project. However, the developed testing method should be applicable to testing of GUI internal functionality.
     34 * The test suite would be implemented in Python and based on testing tools included in standard Python distribution ([ unittest] and [ doctest]). The goal is not to write from scratch but also not to bring a new dependency.
     35 * The usage of Makefile system will be limited to triggering the test or tests with the right parameters for particular location in the source tree.
     36 * Previous work:
     37  * Missing guidelines for testing ticket (#2105)
     38  * [ Test Suite] proposed at [ Prague 2011]
     39  * Older test suite from Soeren Gebbert
     40  * [ GRASS GIS Quality Assessment and monitoring list]
     41 * Student: Vaclav Petras
     42 * Mentor: Soeren Gebbert
    2345== Accepted proposals ==