Changes between Version 93 and Version 94 of GSoC/2014

05/17/14 20:21:10 (11 years ago)

return to version 88 with some modifications (we want all GSoC ideas to be preserved, they might be useful next year or generally)


  • GSoC/2014

    v93 v94  
    3737You can also look at accepted GRASS GSoC [wiki:GSoC projects from previous years] for an idea of scope.''
    39 ''Some bigger ideas may have their own pages, so you can link them here. The pages can be either independent if the page already exists (e.g. `wxGUIDevelopment/SingleWindow`), or more preferably supbages of this page if the idea is (re-)developed for this GSoC. In the later case, use the word "idea" in the page name to distinguish the idea page (e.g. `GSoC/2014/CoolGRASSIdea`) from the possible student project page (e.g. `GSoC/2014/CoolGRASSIdea`).''
     39''Some bigger ideas may have their own pages, so you can link them here. The pages can be either independent if the page already exists (e.g. `wxGUIDevelopment/SingleWindow`), or more preferably supbages of this page if the idea is (re-)developed for this GSoC. In the later case, use the word "idea" in the page name to distinguish the idea page (e.g. `GSoC/2014/CoolGRASSProjectIdea`) from the possible student project page (e.g. `GSoC/2014/CoolGRASSProject`).''
    4042=== Metadata for GRASS GIS maps and datasets ===
    7577 * Co-mentor: Maybe somebody with wxPython experience (in case that it is possible to run wxPython on Android)
     80=== Web-based GUI for GRASS GIS ===
     82 * This idea will consist in building a web application "WebGRASS" which allows to run GRASS modules on modern browsers.
     83 * The user interface for WebGRASS will be built using [ Wt], Web Toolkit.
     84 * WT provides C++ API and python bindings (available on [ github]) for developing web widgets.
     85 * Each grass module is described by an XML file generated the module's  ''--interface-description'' parameter, the xml file is then parsed to generate the Module Form interface.
     86 * Parsing of the xml file and generating tokens is already available in GRASS GIS.
     87 * The main User Interface will be composed by:
     88  * Auth-module (user log-in)
     89  * mapset-location wizard
     90  * map canvas (based on openlayers)
     91  * menu bar with same layout of grass desktop
     92  * toolbar with:
     93    - pan
     94    - query
     95    - zoom in - out - to bbox - to layer -  to region
     96    - save to img mapcanvas
     97    - save display extent to region
     98 * Command line prompt (a GRASS shell based on IPython Notebook)
     99 * Security concerns
     100  * By default Web-GRASS is designed to allow access to trusted users.
     101  * Each user will be an UNIX user on the server with his own home.
     102  * The web-grass UI interface will be accessible through an opportune registration/auth/login framework.
     103  * The communication over the network will be encrypted using HTTPS.
     104  * The imput parameters will be parsed and sanitized, this will be part of the UI itself, based on the [ GRASS command-line parsing]
     105  * Will be choice of deployment team to decide to adopt any 'Extra security layer'. This can  be achieved using tools like: 
     106   * [ docker]
     107   * [ lxc]
     108   * [ supervisors]
     109   * [ ulimit]
     110 * Discussion on the grass-dev mailing-list [ GRASS GIS Web UI]
     111 * Detailed [ Idea description]
     112 * [wiki:GSoC/2014/WebGRASS page for more broad idea description including alternatives] (unfinished)
     113 * Language requirements: C++, Python
     114 * Mentor: Mohammed Rashad
     115 * Co-Mentor: KS Rajan
     116 * Sample !PyWt implementation to call GRASS commands from a !PyWt web UI by [ Massimo Di Stefano]
     117  * Test page was provided (not available now)
     118  * [ source code]