34 | | ||MAY 23 ||Starting GSoC|| || |
35 | | ||MAY 23 - 27 ||Store legend, scale bar, north arrow and text in workspace, bug fixing (e.g. workspace loading) (wxGUI).|| || |
36 | | ||MAY 30 - JUNE 3 ||Add units to legend (optionally also title) as parameter. Option for switch legend to linear/logarithmic scale. Manual/automatic breaks/ticks for legend (option for rounded values, option for every ten,hundred).|| || |
37 | | ||JUNE 6 - 10 ||Legend background (border, rounded corners, opacity settings) (d.legend, C).Support map units in scale bar (not only meters).Allow user to set the length of scale bar (in map units) (d.barscale).|| || |
| 34 | ||MAY 23 ||Starting GSoC|| * || |
| 35 | ||MAY 23 - 27 ||Store legend, scale bar, north arrow and text in workspace, bug fixing (e.g. workspace loading) (wxGUI).|| * || |
| 36 | ||MAY 30 - JUNE 3 ||Add units to legend (optionally also title) as parameter. Option for switch legend to linear/logarithmic scale. Manual/automatic breaks/ticks for legend (option for rounded values, option for every ten,hundred).|| * || |
| 37 | ||JUNE 6 - 10 ||Legend background (border, rounded corners, opacity settings) (d.legend, C).Support map units in scale bar (not only meters).Allow user to set the length of scale bar (in map units) (d.barscale).|| * || |