
Version 4 (modified by ptschrum, 8 years ago) ( diff )

Added content to Abstract section.

GSoC 2017 SOS tools in GRASS GIS

Title: SOS tools in GRASS GIS
Student Name: Paul Schrum, North Carolina Sate University
Organization: OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Mentor Name: Vashek Petras
GSoC proposal:
Repository: TODO


The Point Data Abstraction Library (PDAL) “is Point Data Abstraction Library, and it is an open source software for translating and processing point cloud data. It is not limited to just LiDAR data, although the focus and impetus for many of the tools have their origins in LiDAR..” At the time of this proposal, the only user interface for PDAL is a Command Line Interface. The proposal envisions the development of a GRASS GIS module which will facilitate importing and exporting Lidar files (with the .las extension) into and out of Vector and Raster formats.


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