Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of GSoC/2021

02/02/21 18:50:52 (4 years ago)

2020 content


  • GSoC/2021

    v1 v1  
     4<!-- direct usage of HTML enables to use the big @ characters at the same line as images -->
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     6<!-- needs to be changed every year (GSoC link and maybe picture) -->
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     23= GRASS Google Summer of Code 2020 =
     28== About ==
     30 * [ The OSGeo GSoC 2020 main page]
     31 * [ Official GSoC page at Google]
     33== Ideas ==
     35''Post your ideas here or to the [ grass-dev mailing list] if you want to discuss them more. To edit this wiki, you need to [ login] with an [ OSGeo Userid]; read also some [wiki:TracLinks help] for using trac.''
     37If you are a student you can suggest a new idea or pick up an existing one in any case write about it to [ grass-dev mailing list].
     39''You are invited as well to have a close look at (and re-suggest!) ideas from previous years ([ 2007], [ 2008],
     40[ 2009], [ 2010],
     41[ 2011], [ 2012],
     42[ 2013], [wiki:/GSoC/2014 2014], [wiki:/GSoC/2015 2015], [wiki:/GSoC/2016 2016],
     43[wiki:/GSoC/2017 2017],
     44[wiki:/GSoC/2018 2018],
     45[wiki:/GSoC/2018 2019])
     46which have not yet been implemented.
     47You can also look at accepted GRASS GSoC [wiki:GSoC projects from previous years] for an idea of scope.''
     49''Include "GRASS GIS" in the title of our idea to easily distinguish ideas and projects inside OSGeo.''
     51''Some bigger ideas may have their own pages, so you can link them here. The pages can be either independent if the page already exists (e.g. `wxGUIDevelopment/SingleWindow`), or more preferably subpages of this page if the idea is (re-)developed for this GSoC. In the later case, use the word "idea" in the page name to distinguish the idea page (e.g. `GSoC/2020/CoolGRASSProjectIdea`) from the possible student project page (e.g. `GSoC/2020/CoolGRASSProject`).''
     55=== Title of idea ===
     57Description here
     59* Requirements:
     60* Mentor:
     61* Proposed by:
     62* Rating:
     63* Expected Outcomes: 
     64* Test of skills:
     65* Other:
     67=== Seamless integration of GRASS GIS and Jupyter Notebooks ===
     69* Start of GRASS GIS inside a script or a notebook is currently too cumbersome.
     70* Maps do not allow panning and other interactions.
     71* There are examples how to use Jupyter Notebooks with GRASS GIS, but they need to be improved.
     72* Requirements: Basic knowledge of GRASS GIS scripting and IPython/Jupyter Notebooks, Python, !JavaScript
     73* Mentor: Vaclav Petras
     74* Co-mentor:
     75* Rating: easy
     76* Expected Outcomes:  IPython/Jupyter Notebooks related to grass; some new functions in grass library to show data/tables on IPython/Jupyter Notebooks
     77* Test of skills: Write a testsuite for a GRASS GIS command, more info [ here]
     79=== New Startup Window for GRASS GIS ===
     81A new startup window (the first window you get when you start GRASS GIS) needs to be improved. There is already a detailed discussion at the [wiki:wxGUIDevelopment/New_Startup New Startup Trac Wiki page] with a well-defined roadmap in the [wiki:wxGUIDevelopment/New_Startup#PragueRoadmap Prague Roadmap] section.
     83* Requirements: Python, wxPython, GUI design
     84* Mentor: Anna Petrasova
     85* Co-mentors: Vaclav Petras, Martin Landa
     86* Proposed by: Vaclav Petras
     87* Expected Outcomes: Streamlined and understandable startup using GUI
     88* Test of skills: Implement any (smaller) part of [wiki:wxGUIDevelopment/New_Startup#PragueRoadmap Prague Roadmap] and submit as a PR on !GitHub
     89* Other: Since there is already a detailed roadmap, the proposals are expected to provide additional information on top of that including precise timing, discussion of dependencies between individual steps, differences from the current state, and evaluation of the current source code.
     91=== Improved color management in GRASS GIS ===
     93Current color management of raster and vector maps has several issues:
     94* Interactive editing of colors is rather limited: #3370
     95* We can't easily specify discrete color intervals (e.g. [ this ramp]) for floating point data unless we reclass first, legend does not display that correctly
     96* [!closed&keywords=~colors and others...]
     98A new color editing widget could be developed that would be integrated in r.colors, r3.colors, v.colors, t.rast.colors. It would allow simple editing of breaks (manual and automatic). Better support for discrete color tables for floating point data needs to be developed.
     100* Requirements: Python, wxPython, possibly some C
     101* Mentor: Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras
     102* Proposed by: Anna Petrasova
     103* Rating: medium
     104* Expected Outcomes: More user-friendly color management
     105* Test of skills: [!closed&keywords=~colors and others...]
     107=== Enhance 3D rendering capabilities in GRASS GIS ===
     109Current 3D rendering capabilities in GRASS GIS (called NVIZ) are quite powerful, but many important features are missing.
     110The current implementation is rather old and needs to be updated with more recent technologies.
     111The following points (fixes and new features) should be addressed:
     112* fix rendering raster and vector data with transparency
     113* faster rendering of point clouds
     114* implement text rendering (for scale bars for example)
     115* review and fix problems with current rendering of 3D vectors
     116* possible new features would include volume rendering (ray casting for example), so far we can visualize only isosurfaces or slices of 3D rasters
     117* adding axes
     119* Requirements: C, OpenGL
     120* Mentor: Anna Petrasova
     121* Co-mentor: Vaclav Petras
     122* Proposed by: Anna Petrasova
     123* Rating: medium
     124* Expected Outcomes: reliable on-screen and off-screen 3D rendering on most platforms
     125* Test of skills: #2076, #3743
     127=== GRASS GUI: Single window layout ===
     128Currently, GRASS GIS GUI (wxGUI) has one Layer Manager window and one or more Map Display windows. This multiple window layout can sometimes be problematic and is not common. This project would try to develop an optional single window layout, similarly to [ GIMP]. This project would include:
     129* detailed design of the behavior of current components + mockups
     130* refactoring some of the wxGUI components to untangle them and make them reusable
     131* implementing the actual layout and its behavior while keeping the multiple window layout working
     133* Requirements: Python, wxPython
     134* Mentor: Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras
     135* Proposed by: Anna Petrasova
     136* Rating: medium
     137* Expected Outcomes: enable switching between single- and multiple-window layout
     138* Test of skills: Develop a simple wxPython application, which would allow to switch between these two modes. This should demonstrate student knows wxPython and general GUI design.
     140=== New easy-to-use CLI and API for GRASS GIS ===
     142 * Requirements:
     143  * Language: Python
     144  * Proposal: Student needs to show sufficient understanding of the GRASS GIS Database structure and significantly extend on text below in terms of more concrete formulation of ideas and identification of missing and existing parts.
     145 * Mentors: Vaclav Petras
     146 * Co-mentors:
     147 * Proposed by: Vaclav Petras
     148 * TL;DR: Make running of GRASS GIS modules as easy as it is to run GDAL commands.
     149  * `grass run r.slope.aspect elevation=elevation.tiff slope=slope.tiff aspect=aspect.tiff`
     150  * CLI like GDAL has.
     151  * No GRASS Database, Location, Mapset to deal with.
     152  * No import, export from user perspective.
     153  * Reasonable defaults for things like region.
     154  * CLI and API still allows user to specify any of the above.
     155 * GRASS GIS requires GRASS GIS Database, Location and Mapset to be set up to maintain data consistency, efficiency and security. Unfortunately, this is cumbersome when GRASS GIS is not the primary tool user is using.
     156 * There are different ways for calling GRASS modules without starting iterative GRASS session:
     157  * Modules executed with the `--exec` interface (see [ the grass7 manual page] >=7.2)
     158  * `GRASS_BATCH_JOB`: same as newer `--exec` but through environmental variable and more limited
     159  * Use `grass.script.setup` package from GRASS GIS (requires boilerplate to add the packages on path first) 
     160  * Use the standalone `grass_session` package (new, see [ here])
     161  * Set up environmental variables and "RC file" yourself (the classic method).
     162 * None of these allows the user to skip the database setup phase. This leads to the need for constant reimplementing of setup, import and export steps in various software and environments including ''user scripts'' (in Bash, Python, R), QGIS Processing, gvSIG/SEXTANTE, uDig/JGrassTools, and all the web/server/cloud tools and applications which use GRASS GIS as a processing backend (e.g. PyWPS server).
     163 * GRASS GIS itself can make it easier for the callers (at least in most cases) by implementing an interface which would allow to use GRASS GIS modules without explicit dealing with GRASS GIS database.
     164 * The command line call using the proposed interface would look like these:
     167grass run r.lake elevation=some/file.tiff water_level=10 lake=some/new/file.tiff coordinates=100,520
     168grass run r.slope.aspect elevation=file://.../elevation.tiff aspect=file://...aspect.tiff
     169grass run r.slope.aspect elevation=https://.../ aspect=file://...aspect.tiff
     172 * Basic execution phases:
     173  * The `grass` command would have to parse the command line, compare it with the module XML interface description, find the files which should be maps (either using `file://` and ideally anything else), potentially download and uncompress, and import (or link) them, and then call the actual command (GRASS module).
     174   * The input maps could be linked (external) rather than imported (except for the cases when projection differs) which should be faster than import.
     175   * Doing the work in GRASS rather than in the other software would allow GRASS to make the decision about the details, for example the data exchange (r.external vs r.import vs - see [ comment from MarkusN for QGIS Processing issue] or [ mailing list]).
     176  * GRASS Database would be created with an appropriate Location (projection based on input files or additional CLI input).
     177   * The GRASS GIS Database, Location and Mapset should be created on the fly and deleted afterwards (the `.grassrc` wouldn't be used).
     178  * Computational region would be set based on input file(s) or additional CLI input.
     179  * Module execution.
     180  * The output maps could be be also linked (e.g. r.external.out) with projection same as input which is should be faster then export.
     181   * Ideally export (as well as import) should work also with PostGIS and databases provided through GDAL/OGR.
     182 * Proposal should discuss and address how advanced things such raster algebra, multi-map inputs and outputs, temporal framework, cartography and visualization tools will work (or what are the limits).
     183 * Use should be able to always specify the details manually:
     186grass run --mapset=/some/directory/grassdata/ncspm/practice1 r.lake elevation=some/file.tiff ...
     187grass run --region="s=55600 n=60500..." --mask=some/mask.tiff r.lake elevation=some/file.tiff ...
     188grass run --crs=EPSG:3358 --mask=some/mask.tiff r.lake elevation=some/file.tiff ...
     189grass run --use=some/file_a.tiff --get=some/file_b.tiff r.slope.aspect elevation=file_a aspect=file_b
     192 * The system behind the interface will be inherently fragile, so it is necessary to write large amount of tests which would check different combinations of data types and projections.
     193 * All the underlying code is expected to be in Python, so the project should involve also creation of Python API on the way.
     194 * Bonus tasks:
     195  * Making this work for the GUI in the same way. It is expected that this would work for any `g.gui.*` modules too but implementing similar mechanism also for module dialogs is more work (but some basic implementation might be quite straightforward).
     196  * Making this connected to the standalone `grass_session` package.
     197  * Generalization of the API, so that it incorporates also the concept of remote sessions (see e.g. [ g.remote on GitHub])
     198 * Current GRASS code involved:
     199  * source:grass/trunk/lib/python/script/ (library function(s) for Location setup in Python)
     200  * source:grass/trunk/lib/init/ (full GRASS GIS standard startup "script")
     201 * See also:
     202  * Tickets, PRs, commits:
     203   * #2424 PyGRASS does not work when GRASS is invoked from outside because it is not possible to change path to dynamic libraries in running process
     204   * #2511 Starting GRASS in mapset which is not owned by the user
     205   * #2579 Specify command to be executed as parameter of grass command (patch) and other suggestion for CLI, especially see the comment:15:ticket:2579 which summarizes the remaining issues after closing the ticket
     206   * #2639 grass command should read commands from stdin as an interpreter would do
     207   * #2678 GRASS starts even when Mapset is locked
     208   * #2679 Drop or fix setting of Location and Mapset using environmental variables
     209   * #2681 Remove legacy meaning of LOCATION variable
     210   * #2685 Add ignore lock flag to grass command
     211   * #3537 Add functionalities `--tmp-location` and `--no-clean`
     212   * r72790 Add `--tmp-location`
     213   * [ PR #313] Add `--tmp-mapset` option
     214  * Documentation:
     215   * [ GRASS GIS Database]
     216   * [ grass.script.setup]
     217  * Mailing list and wikis:
     218   * [ grass-dev New CLI GSoC Idea: Comments, Mentors, Students Needed] (whole thread)
     219   * [ grass-dev QGIS Processing & GRASS (January 2015)]
     220   * [ Working with GRASS without starting it explicitly]
     221   * wiki:Grass7/VectorLib/OGRInterface
     222   * wiki:Grass7/VectorLib/PostGISInterface
     223   * [ On GSoC Proposal New easy-to-use...]
     224   * [ GSOC project proposal]
     225   * Other projects (see also the ones linked in the text):
     226   * [ QGIS Processing] source code
     227   * [ uDig's JGrasstools] source code
     228   * [ SEXTANTE grass] source code (broken link)
     229   * [ PyWPS source code] and [ PyWPS documentation] (broken link)
     230   * [ wps-grass-bridge] source code (broken link)
     231  * Similar complex command line interfaces to learn from:
     232   * Git (a classic example of subcommand interface)
     233   * Docker (subcommand interface combined with running other commands inside a container)
     234   * !GeoGig (needs to get geospatial data in and out)
     235   * !ImageMagic
     236    * radical changes in CLI interface between versions [ 6] and [ 7]
     237    * new CLI has a single `magick` command with many parameters
     238   * GMT
     239    * [ radical changes in CLI interface between versions 4 and 5]
     240    * new CLI has a single `gmt` command and subcommands
     241 * Test and training tasks:
     242  * Extend `--exec` functionality:
     243   * Add `--clean` (current default) and `--no-clean` which say if `--exec` should clean the `.tmp` directory in the Mapset (for parallel execution). (See also #3537.)
     244   * Add `--lock` (current default) and `--no-lock` which say if `--exec` should lock the Mapset (for parallel execution). See also #2685 and the `-f` flag.
     245   * Add `--region` to set a temporary computational region for the execution, e.g. `--region="raster=raster_name"`
     246   * Add `--import-raster=some/file.tiff` which imports ( or r.import) a raster file (same for vector).
     247   * Add `--link-raster=some/file.tiff` which links (r.external) a raster file (same for vector).
     248   * Add `--export-raster=some/file.tiff` which exports (e.g. r.out.gdal) a raster file (same for vector).
     249   * Add `--link-output-raster=some/file.tiff` which creates (r.external.out) a new (output) raster file (same for vector).
     250  * Add features to `grass` executable interface:
     251   * Make it possible to associate `*.gxw` files with `grass` executable (#1204) or at least add `--gui-workspace` or preferably just recognize it in the command line (distinguish it from database/location/mapset).
     252  * Solve one of the tickets linked above.
     254== Tips for students ==
     256 * If you have your own ideas we encourage you to propose them. Explain them on the [ grass-dev mailing list].
     257 * If you like some idea here or from previous yeas, write about it on [ grass-dev mailing list] and any ideas of your own which could improve it.
     258 * Follow some good practices in your ideas and proposals:
     259  * Stress why the project would be useful.
     260  * Show that you know how you will proceed. That is, make sure that you can demonstrate that the proposal is feasible in the given time frame.
     261  * Be specific in the implementation (or at least as specific as you can).
     262  * Explain what the final product will look like and how it will work. Perhaps you can add some drawings or mock-ups. (here in a wiki page)
     263  * Explain how the idea relates to existing GRASS GIS functions, features, and needs.
     264  * Do not include steps such as "install GRASS", "compile GRASS libraries (on my machine)", "read about the API". You should do this before applying to GSoC.
     265 * Compile GRASS GIS 7 (trunk) from source and prepare environment for development:
     266  * See links appropriate for you at [].
     267  * If you get stuck with the setup, feel free to consult the [ grass-user mailing list].
     268  * Familiarize yourself with wiki:Submitting rules.
     269 * Prove your worth by being active on the GRASS mailing lists ([ grass-user], [ grass-dev]), fix some [ bugs], and/or implement some (smaller) features, or write some (simpler) GRASS module, and post it to mailing list. There's no better way to demonstrate your willingness and abilities. You should start even before you apply to GSoC.
     270 * Also note that fixing existing bugs and/or implementing enhancements will be a part of student evaluation.
     272 * Every year GRASS GIS hopes to participate and participates in GSoC as part of the [ OSGeo Foundation]'s GSoC program umbrella. See the official OSGeo template for application details and other important information at the [ OSGeo GSoc Ideas page].