Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of GSoC/2021

02/02/21 19:17:46 (4 years ago)

tips: update links


  • GSoC/2021

    v2 v3  
    252252  * Explain how the idea relates to existing GRASS GIS functions, features, and needs.
    253253  * Do not include steps such as "install GRASS", "compile GRASS libraries (on my machine)", "read about the API". You should do this before applying to GSoC.
    254  * Compile GRASS GIS 7 (trunk) from source and prepare environment for development:
    255   * See links appropriate for you at [].
     254 * Compile GRASS GIS 7 from source and prepare environment for development:
     255  * Read [ CONTRIBUTING file] and [ compilation instructions].
    256256  * If you get stuck with the setup, feel free to consult the [ grass-user mailing list].
    257257  * Familiarize yourself with wiki:Submitting rules.
    258  * Prove your worth by being active on the GRASS mailing lists ([ grass-user], [ grass-dev]), fix some [ bugs], and/or implement some (smaller) features, or write some (simpler) GRASS module, and post it to mailing list. There's no better way to demonstrate your willingness and abilities. You should start even before you apply to GSoC.
     258 * Prove your worth by being active on the GRASS mailing lists ([ grass-user], [ grass-dev]), fix some [ bugs], and/or implement some (smaller) features, or write some (simpler) GRASS module, and post it to mailing list. There's no better way to demonstrate your willingness and abilities. You should start even before you apply to GSoC.
    259259 * Also note that fixing existing bugs and/or implementing enhancements will be a part of student evaluation.