137 | | ==== ~~Scenario 1 (source code + issues in one step)~~ ==== |
138 | | |
139 | | ~~(whole procedure will take few hours, not more then one working day) |
140 | | |
141 | | ~~1. migration of source code and issues will be announced on grass-dev ML few days before day D~~ |
142 | | ~~2. svn and trac ticket system (only tickets, wiki will be still editable) will be switched to read-only mode~~ |
143 | | ~~3. git `grass` repo (https://github.com/grass-svn2git/grass) will be created from scratch and switched to private mode~~ |
144 | | ~~4. source code migration will be launched (https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser#grass-addons/tools/svn2git; will take 1-2 hours)~~ |
145 | | ~~5. meanwhile migration of trac issue will be launched (target: `grass` repo; will take few hours)~~ |
146 | | ~~6. switch `grass` repo to public mode~~ |
147 | | ~~7. move `grass` repo under [https://github.com/OSGeo/ Github OSGeo organization]~~ |
| 137 | |