124 | | New: |
125 | | |
126 | | * G7:i.segment: new mean shift algorithm |
127 | | * G7:i.atcorr: added support for Pleiades1a, Pleiades1b, Spot6, Spot7, Sentinel-2A, Rapideye, Worldview3 |
128 | | * G7:i.modis.qc: Added mod09GA QA definitions |
| 125 | G7:i.atcorr now includes support for the atmospheric correction of 7 new satellite images: Pleiades1a, Pleiades1b, Spot6, Spot7, Sentinel-2A, Rapideye, Worldview3 and mod09GA QA definitions was added to G7:i.modis.qc. In addition to the already existent region growing algorithms, G7:i.segment now also includes mean shift. |
145 | | * Temporal framework: |
146 | | * Implemented temporal algebra complement tests that show the current condition bugs |
147 | | * Added spatial topological operators to the temporal algebra (r71369) |
148 | | * Tests regarding implicit temporal aggregation |
149 | | * improved gran_to_gran function to return correctly years and second values |
150 | | * added function to convert granularity to a smaller granularity |
151 | | * Enabled raster region specific parallel processing by using the MultiModule class |
152 | | * projlib: |
153 | | * improved integration of GDAL and streamlining of spatial reference system handling |
154 | | * added GPJ_grass_to_wkt2() and GPJ_grass_to_osr2() |
155 | | * improve creating new spatial reference from embedded proj4 definition |
156 | | * python vector scripting library: |
157 | | * added layer variable to vector_info and vector_info_topo functions |
158 | | * libgis: |
159 | | * G_window_percentage_overlap() now accounts for N == S or E == W |
160 | | * new G_adjust_window_ll() to automatically fix lat/lon errors |
161 | | * relax ll restrictions when reading DMS coords |
162 | | * support for HTML/CSS hash hexadecimal colors in G_str_to_color() |
163 | | * G_compare_projections(): compare unit names only if there is no to meter conversion factor |
164 | | * speed improvement for bzip2 compression |
165 | | * ignore case when comparing units in G_compare_projections() |
166 | | * G_compare_projections(): enhance ellipsoid check, combine standard parallels |
167 | | * rasterlib: |
168 | | * fix/improve Rast_align_window() |
169 | | * simlib: |
170 | | * more control over seeding for random number generator |
| 142 | In the past year of development, there were several changes in different GRASS GIS libraries. The most relavant changes are described below: |
| 143 | * In the rasterlib there is now NULL file compression by default. |
| 144 | * The temporal framework has now support for spatial topological operators to the temporal algebra, several tests were added as well as a new function to convert granularity to a smaller granularity, and raster region specific parallel processing has been enabled by means of the MultiModule new class in PyGRASS. |
| 145 | * projlib now provides improved integration of GDAL and streamlining of spatial reference system handling, as well as new functions (GPJ_grass_to_wkt2 and GPJ_grass_to_osr2) |
| 146 | * libgis has received several major and minor enhancements. There are new functions such as G_adjust_window_ll to automatically fix lat-lon errors and the lat-lon restrictions when reading DMS coords were relaxed. On the other hand, G_window_percentage_overlap now accounts for N == S or E == W. The function G_compare_projections has an enhanced ellipsoid check. Moreover, BZIP2 compression has been improved for speed and support for HTML/CSS hash hexadecimal colors has been added in G_str_to_color. |