Changes between Version 90 and Version 91 of Grass7/NewFeatures74

02/01/18 02:44:53 (7 years ago)

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  • Grass7/NewFeatures74

    v90 v91  
    125125There are twenty six [wiki:Release/7.4.0-News#NewAddonssinceGRASS7.2.0 26 new addons] that now enlarge the already impressive list of extensions available (see
    127 Among these new extensions there is a set of components, **r.gsflow.*** and **v.gsflow.***, that uses GRASS GIS to create inputs for the integrated hydrologic model [ GSFLOW]. Developed by the US Geological Survey, GSFLOW combines the groundwater model MODFLOW with a rainfall-runoff model, PRMS, but lacked a streamlined way to generate inputs and execute the model. The new GRASS GIS addons build the computational domain for the model, including nested sub-basins for runoff, grid cells for groundwater, and segments for the stream network that are required by GSFLOW; they then export their attributes, which are read in by [ GSFLOW-GRASS] to create the input files and run GSFLOW.
     127Among these new extensions there is a set of components, **r.gsflow.*** and **v.gsflow.***, that uses GRASS GIS to create inputs for the integrated hydrologic model [ GSFLOW]. Developed by the US Geological Survey, GSFLOW combines the groundwater model MODFLOW with a rainfall-runoff model, PRMS, but lacked a streamlined way to generate inputs and execute the model. The new GRASS GIS addons build the computational domain for the model, including nested sub-basins for runoff, grid cells for groundwater, and segments for the stream network that are required by GSFLOW; they then export their attributes, which are read in by [ GSFLOW-GRASS] to create the input files and run GSFLOW. In this (yet unpublished) [ paper] it is possible to find more information and details about the workflow to run GSFLOW model.
    129129|| [[Image(wiki:Grass7/NewFeatures74:gsflow_CannonRiver.png, align=center, 300px)]]