[[TOC]] = Vector library in GRASS 7 = [http://download.osgeo.org/grass/grass7_progman/vectorlib.html Vector Library] from Programmer's Manual See also [source:grass/trunk/doc/vector/TODO Radim Blažek's TODO]. == File-based spatial index == Done in r38385 and r39148 == OGR interface == Capability to ''read'' OGR layers directly without linking them via {{{v.external}}} and to ''write'' OGR layers directly without need to store data in the native vector format and then exporting data using {{{v.out.ogr}}}. For more information see [wiki:Grass7/VectorLib/OGRInterface Direct OGR read and write access]. == Direct PostGIS geometry editing == For more information see [wiki:Grass7/VectorLib/PostGISEditing Direct PostGIS geometry editing]. == Redesign support structures == Reduce memory requirements particularly for points and lines. See #542. TODO == 3D vector data support == TODO See also: * http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2009-September/046131.html