40 | | * ~~~r64877 - grass/trunk/raster/r.patch: call Rast_cell_size just once, not for every cell: speedup - Author: wenzeslaus Date: 2015-03-16~~~ - done in r66450 |
41 | | * r62162 - vector/v.generalize: add test for self-intersection, use Vect_line_intersection2() - Author: mmetz Oct 2, 2014 |
42 | | * ~~~r64404 - libpython: move cmd list <-> tuple from wxGUI: martinl Date: Feb 2, 2015~~~ - out of scope |
43 | | * ~~~r64406 - wxGUI: replace utils cmd list <-> tuple by grass.script.gtask functions~~~ - out of scope |
44 | | * ~~~What is the status of r65057 (db.login hostname and port), #2628 (db.login password), #2626 (v.out.ogr and DB), #2627 (v.out.postgis password), #2147 (db.databases)?~~~ - of of scope |
45 | | * ~~~r65634 (wxGUI: move import/export dialogs from gui_core to modules - wxGUI source code compatibility)~~~ - out of scope |
46 | | * ~~~r65774, r66129 - remove 'display map' tool~~~ - out of scope |
47 | | * ~~~r65519 temporal library: Store the default database connection as shell variable substitude to avoid wrong temporal database path's in cases the location was renamed or the path to the grass database changed.~~~ - done in r66366 |
48 | | * ~~~apply patch in #2688: get_np_array() calls grass.script.array without importing the module~~~ - done in r66268 |
49 | | * ~~~#2760~~~ |
| 40 | * anything yet? |