Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of HowToContribute
- Timestamp:
- 08/07/14 19:53:47 (11 years ago)
- Unmodified
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- Modified
v25 v26 30 30 The typical process for new developers to gain full write access to the Main GRASS SVN repository is that for some mentorship period they send patches to the grass-dev mailing list (or the trac system) for existing old timer developers to review and commit. Full SVN access generally happens when the mentor has seen enough patches that they trust the person's code (committing it unchanged) and eventually get bored reviewing & rubber stamping all their patches. It is assumed during this period that a track record of trust will be established via participation on the grass-dev mailing list. At some point the mentor nominates the new developer on the PSC mailing list for full write access, and a vote happens. 31 31 32 * In general, the [ GRASS Project Steering Committee] is responsible for granting SVN write access to contributors (as defined in []).33 * The new developer must '''read and abide by''' the document [ aspects of code contributions] (RFC2).32 * In general, the [ GRASS Project Steering Committee] is responsible for granting SVN write access to contributors (as defined in [wiki:RFC/1_ProjectSteeringCommitteeGuidelines RFC1]). 33 * The new developer must '''read and abide by''' the document [wiki:RFC/2_LegalAspectsOfCodeContributions Legal aspects of code contributions] (RFC2). 34 34 * An email must be sent to the [ GRASS-PSC mailing list] by the new developer stating that RFC2 was read and accepted. This requires [ subscription] to the PSC mailing list. After a period of evaluation, SVN write access may be granted and is set up in the OSGeo authentication system (see below). 35 35 … … 47 47 * [ GRASS developers] with write access can grant SVN write access to contributors (you may contact an active developer, see grass-dev mailing list archive). The selected developer is a sort of "sponsor/mentor" for the requester. Procedure: 48 48 * The requester needs to obtain an "osgeo_id" at - if s/he already have an "osgeo_id" but forgot it, it can be searched at 49 * The requester has to '''read and abide by''' the document [ aspects of code contributions] (RFC2).49 * The requester has to '''read and abide by''' the document [wiki:RFC/2_LegalAspectsOfCodeContributions Legal aspects of code contributions] (RFC2). 50 50 * The request should be sent to a GRASS developer or the GRASS-PSC chair, stating that RFC2 was read and accepted (locate a mentor). The request then has to be sent to the GRASS-PSC [ mailing list], stating that RFC2 was read and accepted. As only subscribers are allowed to post to OSGeo mailing lists, this requires [ subscription] to the PSC mailing list for that time. For fast service you should provide your OSGeo ID in this email. (see below) 51 51 * After a period of evaluation, SVN write access may be granted and is set up in the OSGeo authentication system (see below).