Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of PSC/Minutes/PSC_Meeting_20240209

02/13/24 09:48:29 (12 months ago)

add minutes - part 6 and review


  • PSC/Minutes/PSC_Meeting_20240209

    v15 v16  
    7878  * VP spoke to Michael Smith and opencollective profile is fixed
    7979  * A PSC motion and request is needed so OSGeo treasurer adds OSGeo credit card to weblate, MN's personal card is beeing used now.
    80   * Motion: Ask OSGeo to put their credit card on weblate instead of MN's personal one.
    81     * motion passed (8/9)
     81* Motion: Ask OSGeo to put their credit card on weblate instead of MN's personal one.
     82  * motion passed (8/9)
     83  * **Action**: Ping OSGeo treasurer with the request.
    8385* PSC elections:
    8486  * We'll do the elections in the fall so we have a chance to discuss and decide on topics raised by Hernan in
    85   * Action: Vero will write Hernán about this.
     87  * **Action**: Vero will write Hernán about this.
    8789* GSoC 2024:
    8890  * Anna created the ideas page and submitted it:
    8991  * Luca mentioned he cannot edit the grasswiki (solution:
    90     * Action: MN takes care about LDAP migration. We then set admin permissions manually.
     92    * **Action**: MN takes care about LDAP migration. We then set admin permissions manually.
    9193  * Huidae has a potential candidate.
    9294  * We all promote GRASS topics once OSGeo is approved as an organization.
    107109  * Community meeting date:
    108110    * Second half of June or second half of July; suggested dates: 14/06 until 19/06, 21/06 until 26/06, or 12/07 until 17/07.
    109     * Martin will check with CTU again, but we can anyway try to search/think of other places. NCSU place in Prague seems not available/difficult to get (?).
     111    * **Action**: Martin will check with CTU again, but we can anyway try to search/think of other places. NCSU place in Prague seems not available/difficult to get (?).
    110112    * We'll continue discussions and definitions via email.
    112114* Releases:
    113   * 8.3.2: MN suggests to release asap as it is overdue
    114     * Point releases every 3-4 months
    115   * 8.4.0: MN suggests to release it end of Feb
    116     * New changes in GUI need testing before release, MN did and will heavily test it
     115  * 8.3.2: MN suggests to release asap as it is overdue.
     116    * Point releases every 3-4 months.
     117  * 8.4.0: MN suggests to release it end of Feb.
     118    * New changes in GUI need testing before release, MN did and will heavily test it. **Action**: All test 8.4!
    117119    * Prepare for 8.4.1 in case of emergency
    118120    * There are a lot of macOS fixes, better experience than 8.3
    123125  * The idea of auto-merge is to merge ahead of time as long as all requirements are met.
    124126  * Update with merge or rebase work, but merge is preferred because all is preserved.
    125   * Document this somewhere, e.g.
     127  * **Action**: Document this somewhere, e.g.
    127129* Documentation
    140142    * OSGeo-Ticket: Migrate mailing lists to Mailman3:
    141143    * MN's comment in the Trac ticket on mailman3 also arrived on discourse:
    142   * We will wait until issues are solved, especially history and proper cross-posting. Meanwhile we can experiment by subscribing to some category, eg. OSGeo-SAC.
     144  * We will wait until issues are solved, especially history and proper cross-posting. **Action**: Meanwhile we can all experiment by subscribing to some category, eg. OSGeo-SAC.
    144146* POSE project:
    154156* Postponed:
     157  * PR procedures and status of the too many open PRs
    155158  * Pending RFCs and RFC procedure