Changes between Version 40 and Version 41 of Release/8.0.0-News

01/28/22 01:31:48 (3 years ago)

GRASS GIS 8.0.0 released


  • Release/8.0.0-News

    v40 v41  
    55A short summary of changes: '''[wiki:Grass8/NewFeatures80 New features in GRASS 8.0]'''
    7 Release notes on !GitHub:
     7Release notes on !GitHub:
    89=== Releases ===
    1011==== Stable Release ====
    12  * ...
     13 * Release date: ''28 Jan 2022''
     14 * Changelog:
     15 * Binaries: ​
     16 * Source code:
     17   *
     18   * ([ md5sum])
    1420==== Release Candidate 2 (RC2) ====
    4955This re-establishes user experience compatibility with QGIS and other connected software packages.
    51 The GRASS GIS 8.0.0 release provides more than [ 1,300 fixes and improvements] with respect to the release 7.8.6.
     57The GRASS GIS 8.0.0 release provides more than [ 1,300 fixes and improvements] with respect to the release 7.8.6.
    5359With the introduction of the semantic label raster metadata class, the temporal database was modified to version 3. Hence, to be able to read and process GRASS 7.x space-time datasets, users will be prompted to run G80:t.upgrade. If users want to read newly created space-time datasets back in GRASS 7.x, they can run G78:t.downgrade.
    55 ==== New Contributors ====
    57 (in alphabetical !GitHub user name order)
    59  * @aaronsms made their first contribution in (PR:1514)
    60  * @agiudiceandrea made their first contribution in (PR:1336)
    61  * @aroche made their first contribution in (PR:288)
    62  * @attilaolah made their first contribution in (PR:1376)
    63  * @baharmon made their first contribution in (PR:518)
    64  * @bmwiedemann made their first contribution in (PR:251)
    65  * @byronbest made their first contribution in (PR:113)
    66  * @CarlosGrohmann made their first contribution in (PR:1857)
    67  * @chaedri made their first contribution in (PR:1603)
    68  * @cwhite911 made their first contribution in (PR:1026)
    69  * @ecodiv made their first contribution in (PR:1246)
    70  * @ggardet made their first contribution in (PR:565)
    71  * @griembauer made their first contribution in (PR:983)
    72  * @infrastation made their first contribution in (PR:972)
    73  * @jentjr made their first contribution in (PR:650)
    74  * @jidanni made their first contribution in (PR:208)
    75  * @KolesovDmitry made their first contribution in (PR:361)
    76  * @lbartoletti made their first contribution in (PR:301)
    77  * @lrntct made their first contribution in (PR:734)
    78  * @Lucifergene made their first contribution in (PR:1812)
    79  * @mankoff made their first contribution in (PR:91)
    80  * @MikaelUrankar made their first contribution in (PR:1936)
    81  * @mmacata made their first contribution in (PR:151)
    82  * @mwort made their first contribution in (PR:85)
    83  * @nobeeakon made their first contribution in (PR:1089)
    84  * @ocsmit made their first contribution in (PR:1431)
    85  * @shubhamshah14102 made their first contribution in (PR:1951)
    86  * @ShubhamSwati made their first contribution in (PR:1608)
    87  * @SunveerSingh made their first contribution in (PR:1464)
    8961==== Launching the software ====
    157129 * G80:t.remove: new implementation of flags by @lucadelu in (PR:1695)
    158130 * TGIS DB v3 backward compatible with v2 (PR:1454)
    159132==== Minor module changes ====
    10921065 * G8A:v.greedycolors: Creates greedy colors for vector areas.
    10931066 * G8A:v.what.rast.label: Uploads raster values and labels to vector point layer
     1069==== New Contributors ====
     1071(in alphabetical !GitHub user name order)
     1073 * @aaronsms made their first contribution in (PR:1514)
     1074 * @agiudiceandrea made their first contribution in (PR:1336)
     1075 * @aroche made their first contribution in (PR:288)
     1076 * @attilaolah made their first contribution in (PR:1376)
     1077 * @baharmon made their first contribution in (PR:518)
     1078 * @bmwiedemann made their first contribution in (PR:251)
     1079 * @byronbest made their first contribution in (PR:113)
     1080 * @CarlosGrohmann made their first contribution in (PR:1857)
     1081 * @chaedri made their first contribution in (PR:1603)
     1082 * @cwhite911 made their first contribution in (PR:1026)
     1083 * @dnewcomb made their first contribution in (PR:2068)
     1084 * @ecodiv made their first contribution in (PR:1246)
     1085 * @ggardet made their first contribution in (PR:565)
     1086 * @griembauer made their first contribution in (PR:983)
     1087 * @infrastation made their first contribution in (PR:972)
     1088 * @jentjr made their first contribution in (PR:650)
     1089 * @jidanni made their first contribution in (PR:208)
     1090 * @KolesovDmitry made their first contribution in (PR:361)
     1091 * @lbartoletti made their first contribution in (PR:301)
     1092 * @lrntct made their first contribution in (PR:734)
     1093 * @Lucifergene made their first contribution in (PR:1812)
     1094 * @mankoff made their first contribution in (PR:91)
     1095 * @MikaelUrankar made their first contribution in (PR:1936)
     1096 * @mmacata made their first contribution in (PR:151)
     1097 * @mwort made their first contribution in (PR:85)
     1098 * @nobeeakon made their first contribution in (PR:1089)
     1099 * @ocsmit made their first contribution in (PR:1431)
     1100 * @shubhamshah14102 made their first contribution in (PR:1951)
     1101 * @ShubhamSwati made their first contribution in (PR:1608)
     1102 * @SunveerSingh made their first contribution in (PR:1464)
    10941104=== Closed !GitHub tickets since the last release ===