Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of wxGUIDevelopment/New_Startup

06/05/18 20:15:20 (7 years ago)



  • wxGUIDevelopment/New_Startup

    v16 v17  
    5151* Sample datasets translate to templates in other software, so they should be called templates (at least in this context). (PT)
    5252* The default should be "recent mapsets/workspaces" (not applicable for the first time user).
    53 * CRS of Location should be easy to view by user. I have started to just name the Location with EPSG code. Tend to use Mapsets to organize projects. The work I've been doing is all within same geographic area, so I want easy access to the same base layers and data from other projects that use same EPSG. (KM)
    5453* What came up, but is not part of the startup:
    5554 * Different layouts of GUI (maybe just too many options)
    7675 * more (options option) -> wizard
    7776* Word open is not properly describing what is happening. Replace it with Connect to Mapset or Open Workspace. It is perhaps open "map" (i.e. workspace or mapset) or start a new session. (PT)
     77* CRS of Location should be easy to view by user. I have started to just name the Location with EPSG code. Tend to use Mapsets to organize projects. The work I've been doing is all within same geographic area, so I want easy access to the same base layers and data from other projects that use same EPSG. (KM)
    7878* No right click in startup for additional info. "Show me more" button is better. (PT)
    7979* Text like map names and counts won't be enough for visually oriented people like cartographers, thumbnails of maps will be needed. (PT)