Changes between Version 73 and Version 74 of wxGUIDevelopment/New_Startup

07/15/20 20:49:21 (5 years ago)



  • wxGUIDevelopment/New_Startup

    v73 v74  
    539539''Participants: Linda Kladivova, Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras, Moritz Lennert, Martin Landa, Helena Mitasova. Notes by VP.''
    540 * State of GSoC 2020 and next steps
     540* State of GSoC 2020 and next steps:
    541541  * Automatic creation and improved detection of grassdata for first-time user
    542542  * Location wizard
    556556      * Layers -> Display(s)?
    557557      * Swap Modules and Console.
    558 * Data catalog
     558* Data catalog:
    559559 * Read-only mapsets (locked, non-owned, r-x, ...?)
    560560   * Focus in GRASS "permissions", i.e., lock and "primary owner".
    567567   * Loading of only the current mapset or current location or other ways of dealing with large databases should be feature requests.
    568568 * Storing a list of databases (in settings, in workspace, not at all, track recent, track all ever used)
    569 * Startup
     569* Startup:
    570570  * What location/mapset to use as a demo location for the first-time user?
    571571    * Yes, for sure, use the demolocation with a world map which is already present in the source code.
    576576  * Always start in some mapset (demo, last, temporary)?
    577577    * Start in the last used and use the demolocation as a fallback when locked or deleted. (Create demolocation if needed. Create a new mapset there if needed and/or find the first unlocked mapset.)
    578 * Workspaces
     578* Workspaces:
    579579  * Rename to //projects//?
    580580    * Yes, project or project file is used a lot in other software and the current workspaces share a lot of the same characteristics.