Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of wxGUIDevelopment/Toolboxes

08/01/13 00:07:45 (12 years ago)

updating to the state after community sprint in Prague 2013


  • wxGUIDevelopment/Toolboxes

    v6 v7  
    33= Toolboxes =
     5Toolboxes in wxGUI are for the menu customization and for customization of the module tree in the search module pane.
    57== Where the documentation should be placed ==
    810  * source:grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/wxguitoolboxes.dox
    911  *
    10   * without GUI it requires some knowledge so programmer's manual can be used
    11  * here on Trac Wiki: ideas what could be done and how, bugs overviews etc.
     12  * advanced knowladge and implementation details
     13  * alternative: it is without GUI it requires some knowledge so programmer's manual can be used
     14 * User manual
     15  * source:grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.toolboxes.html
     16  *
     17  * information how to create new toolboxes and how to add them to GUI, basic guides and examples
     18 * Trac Wiki (here): ideas what could be done and how, bugs overviews etc.
    1320== Which toolboxes could be created ==
    1522Toolboxes which could be created now in the source code (and included in the GRASS distribution):
    16  * Temporal toolbox (not included in the default main menu).
    17  * Some special sets of modules designed for particular purpose.
     23 * import/export
     24 * display
     25 * g.gui.*
     26Recently created toolboxes:
     27 * Temporal toolbox (not included in the default main menu, only in module tree).
    2029== What is missing and what can be done in the future ==
     31 * rename subtoolbox to toolbox-reference
     32 * update user and programmer's manual
     33 * clean the main application menu, remove all modules or leave only the most used ones
    2234 * connection to addons:
    2335  * there are already some toolboxes in addons (installing a toolbox installs the set of modules)
    2840 * connection to toolbars (images needs to be added)
    2941 * different handling of menu label for modules (e.g. including menu label into the module)
    30  * use toolboxes in wxIClass (and others)
     42 * use toolboxes in wxIClass (and others) for menu and/or for module tree
    3143 * redesign of handlers for non-module items (related to g.gui.* modules and plugins)
    3244 * better mechanism to determine when to generate new menudata.xml file
    33  * translation of strings (currently there is some workaround which is not ideal)
     45 * translation of strings
     46  * currently there is some workaround to get string from XML translated, it is not ideal
     47  * strings related to modules have to be translated twice (po merge is helpful but files are bigger), however, it is not clear if it is possible to use two po files together to translate one group of string (strings from modules and stings for other things are mixed at runtime)
     48  * translation of stings comming from addons or custom toolboxes is completely unresolved
    3449 * prepared specialized menus in the distribution
    3550 * connection of projects (workspaces) and toolboxes/main menu
    6378 * #2013: defect: wxgui: vector colors menu confused with raster one (new)
    6479 * #1742: defect: WXGUI layer manager window doesn't show all menubar entries (new)
     80 * #2034: defect: GUI crashes on launch for newly compiled binary for Mac OS X
    6682== Changesets ==
    6884=== General ===
     86 * [56034]: wxGUI/toolboxes: initial version of wxGUI toolboxes
     87 * [56035]: wxGUI/toolboxes: documentation of initial version
     88 * [56086]: wxGUI/toolboxes: doctests, deleting of special element and documentation
     89 * [56358]: wxGUI/toolboxes: fix case when grass7 directory in home is missing
    7090 * [56814]: wxGUI/toolboxes: fix name clash
    71  * [56358]: wxGUI/toolboxes: fix case when grass7 directory in home is missing
    72  * [56086]: wxGUI/toolboxes: doctests, deleting of special element and documentation
    73  * [56035]: wxGUI/toolboxes: documentation of initial version
    74  * [56034]: wxGUI/toolboxes: initial version of wxGUI toolboxes
     91 ... (not updated)
    7693=== Toolbox definitions ===