= Compilation Guide on Windows XP/7 = ''''' work in progress ''''' == Environment Setup == 1. Checkout the source from Subversion to, for example, C:\ {{{ cd c:\ svn checkout http://svn.osgeo.org/mapguide/branches/2.2/MgDev mgdev OR svn export http://svn.osgeo.org/mapguide/branches/2.2/MgDev mgdev }}} 2. Download FDO 3.5 CR1 SDK tarball from [http://fdo.osgeo.org/content/downloads/ Here] to ''C:\mgdev\Oem\FDO\'' created in step 1. {{{ cd C:\mgdev\Oem\FDO tar xvvf cd Bin mkdir Release }}} Move all contents under Bin to Release folder. The structure of fdo should be like this: {{{ C:\mgdev\Oem\FDO\Bin\Release C:\mgdev\Oem\FDO\Inc C:\mgdev\Oem\FDO\Lib }}} == Build Process == 1. Build OEM tree * Launch Microsoft Visual Studio * File->Open->!Project/Solution and browse to ''oem.sln'' and click Ok. this will open all 35 Oem projects in Visual Studio * In Solution Explorer tree, select Solution 'oem', then click Build->Build Solution, build process will start and should be successful. 2. Build CSMap. Though CSMap is under folder Oem, it is a totally different project from other Oem projects, and it should be built seperately * File->Open->!Project/Solution and browse to ''!Oem/CsMap/OpenSource.sln'', click Ok to open !CsMap project in Visual Studio * In Solution Explorer tree, select Solution ''!OpenSource'', then click Build->Build Solution, build process will start and should be successful. 3. Build !MapGuide Server * File->Open->!Project/Solution and browse to ''c:\mgdev\Server\server.sln'', click Ok to open 29 server projects in Visual Studio * In Solution Explorer tree, select Solution ''Server'', then click Build->Build Solution, build process will start and should be successful. 4. Build Web Extension * File->Open->!Project/Solution and browse to ''c:\mgdev\Web\src\!WebTier.sln'', click Ok to open 30 web extension projects in Visual Studio * In Solution Explorer tree, select Solution ''Web Tier'', then click Build->Build Solution, build process will start and should be successful. == Install MapGuide == {{{ cd c:\mgdev mkdir Release build.bat -a install -c server --source=Release build.bat -a install -c web --source=Release }}} == Testing Installation == 1. Start !MapGuide Server 2. Start !MapGuide Web Extension 3. Open a browser to