Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of ConfigureGuide24Windows

02/16/13 11:41:30 (12 years ago)

Added MapGuide 2.5 names


  • ConfigureGuide24Windows

    v21 v22  
    3 = Install MapGuide 2.4 on IIS =
     3= Install MapGuide 2.4/2.5 on IIS =
    5 Step-by-step instructions to installing MapGuide 2.4 on IIS. This guide has also been successfully tested with MapGuide 2.5 (Preview release).
     5Step-by-step instructions to installing MapGuide 2.4/2.5 on IIS.
    77== Prerequisite: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 ==
    3939 1. For Windows 7, open Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
    4040 1. Open [root]\Application Pools -> Actions -> Add Application Pool...
    41   * Name: MapGuide24AppPool
     41  * Name: MapGuide24AppPool (or MapGuide25AppPool)
    4242  * .NET Framework version: .NET Framework v4.0.30319
    4343  * Managed pipeline mode: Integrated
    5252 1. Open [root] -> ISAPI and CGI Restrictions -> Actions -> Add...
    5353  * ISAPI or CGI path: C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Web\www\mapagent\isapi_MapAgent.dll
    54   * Description: MapGuide 2.4 MapAgent ISAPI handle
     54  * Description: MapGuide 2.4 MapAgent ISAPI handle (or MapGuide 2.5 MapAgent ISAPI handle)
    5555  * Allow extension path to execute: True
    5656  [[br]][[Image(screenshot.4.jpg)]]
    6161 1. Open [root]\Sites\Default Web Site -> Actions -> View Applications -> Actions -> Add Application...
    6262  * Alias: mapguide
    63   * Application pool: MapGuide24AppPool
     63  * Application pool: MapGuide24AppPool (or MapGuide25AppPool)
    6464  * Physical path: C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Web\www
    6565  [[br]][[Image(screenshot.5.jpg)]]
    7070  * Module: FastCgiModule
    7171  * Executable (optional): C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Web\Php\php-cgi.exe
    72   * Name: MapGuide_2.4_PHP_via_FastCGI
     72  * Name: MapGuide_2.4_PHP_via_FastCGI (or MapGuide_2.5_PHP_via_FastCGI)
    7373  [[br]][[Image(screenshot.6.jpg)]]
    7474  * Do you want to create a FastCGI application for this executable? Yes
    7575 1. Right-click [root]\Sites\Default Web Site\mapguide\mapagent -> Convert to Application
    7676  * Alias: mapagent
    77   * Application pool: MapGuide24AppPool
     77  * Application pool: MapGuide24AppPool (or MapGuide25AppPool)
    7878  * Physical path: C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Web\www\mapagent
    7979  [[br]][[Image(screenshot.7.jpg)]]
    8686  * Request path: mapagent.fcgi
    8787  * Executable: C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Web\www\mapagent\isapi_MapAgent.dll
    88   * Name: MapGuide 2.4 MapAgent ISAPI handler
     88  * Name: MapGuide 2.4 MapAgent ISAPI handler (or MapGuide 2.5 MapAgent ISAPI handler)
    8989  [[br]][[Image(screenshot.8.jpg)]]
    9090  * Open Request Restrictions...
    9494 1. Right-click [root]\Sites\Default Web Site\mapguide\mapviewernet -> Convert to Application
    9595  * Alias: mapviewernet
    96   * Application pool: MapGuide24AppPool
     96  * Application pool: MapGuide24AppPool (or MapGuide25AppPool)
    9797  * Physical path: C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Web\www\mapviewernet
    9898  [[br]][[Image(screenshot.10.jpg)]]
    9999 1. For .NET API: Right-click [root]\Sites\Default Web Site\mapguide -> Add Application...
    100100  * Alias: mapviewerajax
    101   * Application pool: MapGuide24AppPool
     101  * Application pool: MapGuide24AppPool (or MapGuide25AppPool)
    102102  * Physical path: C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Web\www\mapviewernet
    103103  [[br]][[Image(screenshot.11.jpg)]]