Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of MGOS2onVistaIIS7

01/25/13 10:58:50 (12 years ago)

Converted "Installing MapGuide Open Source 2.0 Web Server Extensions on Vista / IIS 7" to wiki format


  • MGOS2onVistaIIS7

    v10 v11  
    22== Installing !MapGuide Open Source 2.0 Web Server Extensions on Vista / IIS 7 ==
    4 For now, this Wiki page only contains a PDF document of the instructions.  This will eventually be converted to Wiki format, but for now, we wanted to get this on the site for people to use.
     4A PDF document of these instructions is attached below.
     6Starting from a fresh install of Windows Vista Enterprise, Internet Information Services 7 will not be installed by default.  IIS will need to be installed before installing the Web Tier.
     8 1. Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features.
     9 1. Select Turn Windows feature on or off.
     10 1. Install IIS with the following options:
     11 [[Image(image1.png)]]
     12 1. Install MapGuide Web Server Extensions.
     13 1. Open IIS Manager from Start menu -> Administrative Tools -> IIS Manager.
     14 1. Select ISAPI and CGI Restrictions from the root level.
     15 [[Image(image2.jpg)]]
     16 1. Add the following as Allowed:
     17 [[Image(image3.jpg)]]
     18 1. Navigate to the mapguide virtual directory.
     19 1. Click Handler Mappings and add the following Script Map:
     20 [[Image(image4.jpg)]]
     21 1. Navigate to the mapagent virtual directory.
     22 1. Click Handler Mappings and add the following Script Map:
     23 [[Image(image5.jpg)]]
     24 1. Exit Internet Information Services Manager.
     25 1. Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View Tab – Change settings to show all hidden files and folders.
     26 1. Navigate to C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\Temp.
     27 [[Image(image6.jpg)]]
     28 1. Add permissions to Users accounts as follows:
     29 [[Image(image7.jpg)]]
     30 1. IIS 7 should now be setup for MapGuide OpenSource 2.0 Web Server Extension.
    732== Installing !MapGuide Open Source 2.0 Web Server Extensions on Windows Server 2008 / IIS 7 ==