== Installing !MapGuide Open Source 2.0 Web Server Extensions on Vista / IIS 7 == For now, this Wiki page only contains a PDF document of the instructions. This will eventually be converted to Wiki format, but for now, we wanted to get this on the site for people to use. == Installing !MapGuide Open Source 2.0 Web Server Extensions on Windows Server 2008 / IIS 7 == These steps do not require IIS 6 compatibility mode to be installed. (Sorry that there are no pictures, but perhaps someone could add them.) 1. Install the web tier selecting "Manual Configuration". 1. Start the "IIS Manager" applet 1. On the "Default Web Site", right click and do an "Add Virtual Directory...". Then in the dialog: * Alias: mapguide * Physical path: C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\www 1. Select your newly added mapguide node, double click "Handler Mappings", select "Add Script Map..." * Request Path: *.php * Executable: C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\Php\php5isapi.dll * Name: PHP * After clicking OK, press Yes on the "Add Script Map" dialog. 1. Right click on "mapagent" and select "Convert to Application" * Use defaults and press OK 1. Select "mapagent", double click "Handler Mapping", select CGI-exe, click "Edit Feature Permissions", check "Execute", press OK 1. Continuing from above, select "Add Module Mapping..." * Request path: mapagent.fcgi * Module: !IsapiModule * Executable: C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\www\mapagent\isapi_MapAgent.dll * Name: !MapGuide ISAPI agent * After pressing OK, press Yes in the subsequent dialog to enable the mapping 1. Edit php.ini so that the extension_dir points to C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\Php\ext 1. Add PHP (C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\Php) to the system path. Will need to restart Windows because of this. 1. Select "mapguide", double click on error pages, select the 401 line, click "Remove". 1. Right click on "mapguide" and select "Convert to Application" 1. For using the PHP API: a. Right click on "mapguide" and select "Add Virtual Directory..." * Alias: mapviewerajax * Physical path: C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\www\mapviewerphp a. Select "mapviewerajax", double click "Default Document", click "Add..." * Name: ajaxviewer.php 1. For using the .NET API: a. Right click on "mapguide" and select "Add Virtual Directory..." * Alias: mapviewerajax * Physical path: C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\www\mapviewernet a. Select "mapviewerajax", double click on "Default Document", click "Add..." * Name: ajaxviewer.aspx a. Right-click on "mapviewerajax" and select "Convert to Application" a. NOTE: Any other applications you create (e.g., Sheboygan sample) will also need to be converted to an application. One final thing; you may get an "IIS worker process stopped" system dialog show up, this seems to be a PHP ISAPI agent problem: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=44047.