Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of MapGuideRfc123

11/03/11 20:37:25 (13 years ago)



  • MapGuideRfc123

    v7 v8  
    101101=== The FDO join feature reader ===
    103 The existing MgServerFeatureReader will be modified to incorporate iteration logic to handle forcing 1:1 in the resulting FDO feature reader.
     103We will include a custom server-only implementation of FdoIFeatureReader (MgFdoForcedOneToOneFeatureReader) which wraps an existing FdoIFeatureReader to incorporate iteration logic to handle forcing 1:1 cardinality on the iterated results.
    105 When 1:1 cardinality is not being forced, this reader behaves like a normal feature reader.
     105This reader behaves like a normal feature reader. All FdoIFeatureReader calls pass through to the underlying reader, except for ReadNext()
    107 In the case of the forcing of 1:1 cardinality, we take a different path and employ the following logic for ReadNext():
     107To force 1:1 cardinality, the ReadNext() method employs the following logic:
    109109 1. Read the current identity property values. Hash these values into a string and check if this hashed string exists in an internal std::set.
    111111 3. Store this hashed string into the internal set for future comparisons.
    113 Iteration logic for the normal case (not 1:1), is simply to pass over to the underlying reader's ReadNext() method. Tracking of identity property values is not required for this case.
     113Depending on whether 1:1 cardinality is forced, the final reader that is returned to the web tier will either be:
     116MgServerFeatureReader (containing...)
     117    FdoIFeatureReader (from FdoIExtendedSelect::Execute())
     120Or if 1:1 is forced
     123MgServerFeatureReader (containing...)
     124    MgFdoForcedOneToOneFeatureReader (containing...)
     125        FdoIFeatureReader (from FdoIExtendedSelect::Execute())
    115128Performance-wise, support for FDO joins has already been implemented in [ mg-desktop] and the benefits there are clear. The performance times for a 17000 feature by 16000 feature join (of [ this dataset]) are outlined below.
    145158== Test Plan ==
    147 Add unit tests against some sample SQLite feature sources configured to take advantage of these optimizations. Verify that the FDO join optimization path is taken when selecting from these feature sources.
     160Add unit tests against some sample SQLite feature sources configured to take advantage of these optimizations. Verify that the FDO join optimization path is taken when selecting from these feature sources. Also exercise the SpatialExtents() aggregate function against SQLite extended feature classes which can take advantage of this optimization.
    149162== Funding / Resources ==