Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of MapGuideRfc158

04/20/17 06:03:50 (8 years ago)



  • MapGuideRfc158

    v6 v7  
    2828== Motivation ==
    30 All JSON responses from the mapagent are verbatim conversions from their XML counterparts.
     30All JSON responses from the mapagent are currently verbatim conversions from their XML counterparts.
    3232However this conversion process results in JSON that is quite cumbersome to consume:
    34  * All properties are arrays.
    35  * All properties are string values.
     34 * All converted elements are arrays.
     35 * All converted element content are arrays of string values.
    37 This is due to the conversion process not taking the content model (and its data types/element cardinality) into account, taking the lowest common denominator approach.
     37This is due to the XML to JSON conversion process not taking the content model (and its data types/element cardinality) into account, taking the lowest common denominator approach.
     39Current client applications that do happen to use the JSON responses provided by the mapagent will most likely be having to employ manual "de-arrayification" of the JSON content and lots of manual string to int/double/boolean parsing to be able to work with the current JSON responses. You can see this in Fusion where there is a lot of initialization work in de-arrayification/{{{parseInt}}}/{{{parseFloat}}} of the ApplicatonDefinition and RuntimeMap JSON responses.
     41This is work that client applications do not, and should not have to do.
    3943== Proposed Solution ==
    41 The MgJsonConvert class that does the actual XML to JSON conversion will be modified to include a hard-coded list of XML element paths:
     45The {{{MgJsonConvert}}} class of the {{{HttpHandler}}} project that does the actual XML to JSON conversion will be modified to include a hard-coded list of XML element paths:
    4347 * For elements that contain 0 to many elements
    4448 * For elements that are not string data types
    46 During the conversion process, we check the computed XML element path of the element we're converting and check if it is in one of these two lists
     50During the conversion process, we check the computed XML element path of the element/attriubte we're converting and check if it is in one of these two lists
    4852 * If it is in the first list, the element is written as a JSON array
    5458With the new JSON responses, not only are they more simpler to use (not everything is an array and not everything is a string and the content structure is semantically similar to their XML counterparts), but is also much more compact due to the amount of {{{[}}} and {{{"}}} characters we save by not converting everything to string arrays
    56 Fusion will also be updated to take advantage of the new clean JSON responses.
     60Fusion will also be partially updated to take advantage of the new clean JSON responses:
     62 * For initial runtime map creation ({{{CREATERUNTIMEMAP}}})
     63 * For its selection/tooltip queries ({{{QUERYMAPFEATURES}}})
     64 * ApplicationDefinition parsing will remain as-is because converting this to use clean JSON responses will flow on to having to update *all* current widgets that get created by this parsed appdef to use the clean JSON as well, which is too much effort for the desired payoff.
    5866== GeoJSON output ==
    6068For the {{{SELECTFEATURES}}} mapagent operation, even with the clean JSON response formatting applied, the JSON response is still near-useless for consumption by client applications.
    62 For this particular operation, if we want the response in JSON, since it includes spatial data for features it is more practical to return this in GeoJSON format, which is more ubiquitous and more practical for client-application consumption.
     70For this particular operation, if we want the response in JSON, since it includes geometric data for features it is more practical to return this in GeoJSON format, which is more ubiquitous and more practical for client-application consumption.
    6472To enable this, we'll be adding a new MgGeoJsonWriter utility class to the PlatformBase library to enable easy GeoJSON conversion from feature readers
    23732381== Implications ==
    2375 Any time a new schema or schema revision is introduced, this hard-coded list will have to be updated to know which elements in these new schemas require special processing.
     2383Any time a new schema or schema revision is introduced, this hard-coded element path list in {{{MgJsonConvert}}} will have to be updated to know which elements in these new schemas require special processing.
    23772385== Test Plan ==