Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of MapGuideRfc185

09/09/22 05:28:54 (3 years ago)



  • MapGuideRfc185

    v2 v3  
    99||RFC Template Version||(1.0)||
    1010||Submission Date||7 Jul 2022||
    11 ||Last Modified||7 Jul 2022||
     11||Last Modified||9 Sep 2022||
    1212||Author||Jackie Ng||
    1313||RFC Status||draft||
    2222||no vote|| ||
    2426== Overview ==
    4446A new top-level `Bindings` subdirectory and solution will house the various API binding projects and supporting tools/libraries.
    46 The following projects in `Oem` will be removed:
    48  * `Oem/SwigEx`
    49  * `Oem/SQLite`
    51 Vanilla SWIG is now a build requirement. On Windows, pre-compiled binaries of the expected version of SWIG will be provided for convenience.
     48The following projects/directories will be removed as a result of being obsoleted by this new bindings:
     50 * `Oem/SwigEx` (SWIG will now be acquired externally through official channels and is assumed to exist before building)
     51 * `Oem/SQLite` (Proof-of-concept SWIG binding to SQLite and legacy Web API test administration tools)
     52 * `BuildTools/CC.Net` (unused CI configuration)
     53 * `BuildTools/WebTools/IMake` (relocated to new top-level `Bindings` directory)
     54 * `Web/src/JavaApi` (legacy "crufty" Java binding)
     55 * `Web/src/JavaApiEx` (legacy "non-crufty" Java binding)
     56 * `Web/src/PhpApi` (legacy PHP 5.6 binding)
     57 * `Web/src/PhpMapGuideApiEnvConfig` (support library for the legacy PHP 5.6 binding)
     59Vanilla SWIG is now a build requirement. On Windows, pre-compiled binaries of the expected version of SWIG will be provided for convenience. On Linux, the build scripts will acquire and build SWIG source from the github repo if the expected version of SWIG is not present.
    5361Fusion and all existing web tier applications (eg. AJAX Viewer, Site Administrator) will be migrated across to work against these new API bindings.
    5563The existing web tier test suite will also be migrated across to work against these new API bindings.
     65These changes have been implemented in the [ vanilla_swig sandbox] for MapGuide.
     67A compatible version of Fusion that works against the PHP 8 binding has been implemented in the [ php8 sandbox branch] in the Fusion repo.
     69Upon the adoption of this RFC, these changes will be merged into trunk in their respective repos.
    5771== Impact summary of API changes ==
    5973To support generating functional API bindings for .net/Java/PHP with vanilla SWIG, we had to make a few changes to our C++ API surface to facilitate/accommodate the code generation needs of vanilla SWIG.
    6075Such changes are detailed below.
    6277=== General (all languages) ===
    64  * The exception hierarchy has been flattened to just `MgException`. All existing sub-classes of `MgException` have been removed. A new `GetExceptionCode()` method is available to fetch the appropriate error classification. The available classifications are simply the names of all the removed sub-classes and whose names are now contained in a new `MgExceptionCodes` string constant class.
     79 * The exception hierarchy has been flattened to now be just `MgException`. All existing sub-classes of `MgException` have been removed. A new `GetExceptionCode()` method is available to fetch the appropriate error classification. The available classifications are simply the names of all the removed sub-classes and whose names are now contained in a new `MgExceptionCodes` string constant class.
    6580    * This was done to avoid having to deal with `MgException` polymorphism in a consistent manner across our 3 SWIG language targets.
    66     * Refer to the table below for how to migrate your exception handling code for your target language
    68 [TODO: Insert before/after table]
     81    * If you used to catch specific `MgException` subclass types, refer to the example below for how to migrate your exception handling code for your target language
     83Before (PHP):
     85try {
     86    ...
     87} catch (MgUnauthorizedAccessException $e) {
     88    ...
     92After (PHP):
     94try {
     95    ...
     96} catch (MgException $e) {
     97    if ($e->GetExceptionCode() == MgExceptionCodes::MgUnauthorizedAccessException) {
     98        ...
     99    }
     103Before (Java):
     105try {
     106    ...
     107} catch (MgUnauthorizedAccessException e) {
     108    ...
     112After (Java):
     114try {
     115    ...
     116} catch (MgException e) {
     117    if (e.getExceptionCode() == MgExceptionCodes.MgUnauthorizedAccessException) {
     118        ...
     119    }
     123Before (C#/.net):
     125try {
     126    ...
     127} catch (MgUnauthorizedAccessException e) {
     128    ...
     132After (C#/.net):
     134try {
     135    ...
     136} catch (MgException e) {
     137    if (e.GetExceptionCode() == MgExceptionCodes.MgUnauthorizedAccessException) {
     138        ...
     139    }
     143After (C#/.net alternative method):
     145try {
     146    ...
     147} catch (MgException e) when (e.GetExceptionCode() == MgExceptionCodes.MgUnauthorizedAccessException) {
     148    ...
    70152 * The constant members of the `MgResourcePermission` class are prefixed with `Permission`. For example `MgResourcePermission::ReadOnly` is now `MgResourcePermission::PermissionReadOnly`
    71153    * This was done to prevent reserved name collisions in PHP where `readonly` is now a reserved keyword and cannot be used as a static member name.
    73 [TODO: Cover various renamed methods in MgCoordinateSystem API]
    75155=== PHP specific notes ===
    78158 * The `MgPlotSpecification` constructor now requires you to specify all 4 margin parameters . If you don't need a margin, or need to set it later on (with the `SetMargins()` method), you can pass `0.0` for all 4 arguments.
    79159 * PHP 8 is more strict about data types and attempting to do things like assigning `int` to `double` and vice-versa and will generally error out in such cases.
    80    * This strictness may arise in calls to APIs like `MgRenderingService`::`RenderMap` where there is a mixture of `int` and `double` parameters in the method signature.
     160   * This strictness will generally arise in calls to APIs like `MgRenderingService`::`RenderMap` where there is a mixture of `int` and `double` parameters in the method signature.
    81161   * To ensure the correct data types are passed in, wrap expected `int` parameters with `intval()` and expected `double` parameters with `doubleval()`
     163In addition to the above changes, several public APIs are renamed specifically in the PHP binding to avoid incompatible signatures due to how overloaded/inherited methods are handled in PHP 8.
     167The following method signatures in `MgCoordinateSystemMeasure` are renamed with a `Simple` suffix added.
     169 * `double GetDistance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)` (now called `GetDistanceSimple`)
     170 * `double GetAzimuth(double lon1, double lat1, double lon2, double lat2)` (now called `GetAzimuth`)
     171 * `MgCoordinate GetCoordinate(double lon, double lat, double azimuth, double distance)` (now called `GetCoordinateSimple`)
     175The new overload of `Create` introduced in [wiki:MapGuideRfc157 MapGuide RFC 157] has been renamed to `CreateStateless`
    83177=== Java specific notes ===
    85 This wrapper is based on and replaces the previous `MapGuideJavaApiEx` variant of the official Java binding (first introduced in [wiki:MapGuideRfc129]) and is once again called `MapGuideApi.jar`
     179The new Java binding carries all the enhancements from the previous `MapGuideJavaApiEx` binding, whose changes will be repeated here:
     181All method names now adopt `camelCase` instead of `PascalCase` to match Java naming conventions.
     183Proxies for various collection classes implement the `java.util.Collection` interface allowing for greater interoperability with existing Java code that works with such interfaces:
     185These classes include:
     187 * `MgClassDefinitionCollection` (as `Collection<MgClassDefinition>`)
     188 * `MgFeatureSchemaCollection` (as `Collection<MgFeatureSchema>`)
     189 * `MgPropertyDefinitionCollection` (as `Collection<MgPropertyDefinition>`)
     190 * `MgPropertyCollection` (as `Collection<MgProperty>`)
     191 * `MgStringCollection` (as `Collection<java.lang.String>`)
     192 * `MgLayerCollection` (as `Collection<MgLayerBase>`)
     193 * `MgLayerGroupCollection` (as `Collection<MgLayerGroup>`)
     195The following collection classes do not implement the `java.util.Collection` interface due to disparity in interface and implementation
     197 * `MgIntCollection` (`int` is not an object in Java)
     198 * `MgBatchPropertyCollection` (can't implement as `Collection<MgPropertyCollection>` due to a different `contains()` API)
     200The following proxy classes implement `java.util.Iterable`
     202 * `MgReadOnlyLayerCollection`
     204Classes that implement `java.util.Collection` or `java.lang.Iterable` can be iterated with java's enhanced for loop like so:
     207MgClassDefinitionCollection classes = ...
     208for (MgClassDefinition clsDef : classes) {
     209    ...
     213As a result of adopting `camelCase` naming conventions along with some classes implementing special Java interfaces, various methods in the MapGuide API have been renamed specifically for Java:
     215 * The converted `MgException.getStackTrace()` conflicts with `java.lang.Throwable.getStackTrace()`
     216 * The converted `MgPropertyDefinition.delete()` conflicts with the SWIG-generated `delete()` method for finalization
     217 * The converted `MgClassDefinition.delete()` conflicts with the SWIG-generated `delete()` method for finalization
     218 * The converted `MgFeatureSchema.delete()` conflicts with the SWIG-generated `delete()` method for finalization
     219 * The converted `add()` method of any MapGuide collection class conflicts with the `add()` method as specified in the `java.util.Collection` interface (MapGuide's `add()` returns `void`, `java.util.Collection`'s `add()` returns `boolean`)
     221The conflicting methods are renamed in the wrapper as so:
     223 * `MgException::getStackTrace()` will become `MgException.getExceptionStackTrace()`
     224 * `MgPropertyDefinition.delete()` will become `MgPropertyDefinition.markAsDeleted()`
     225 * `MgClassDefinition.delete()` will become `MgClassDefinition.markAsDeleted()`
     226 * `MgFeatureSchema.delete()` will become `MgFeatureSchema.markAsDeleted()`
     227 * The `add()` method of any MapGuide collection class implementing `java.util.Collection` will become `addItem()`
    87229`MapGuideApiEx.jar` is no longer generated and bundled.
    104246 * A greenfield application targeting .net Core/.net 5+
    106 Ability to target [.net Core/.net 5+] on Linux TBD
    108 == Impact summary for deployments ==
     248Refer to deployment impact summary below for remarks around .net deployment.
     250As part of this RFC, we will offer experimental support to target [.net Core/.net 5+] on Linux. This is achieved by adding support in our Linux build system for building the "common libs subset". This subset consists of:
     252 * Internal Thirdparty Libraries
     253    * ACE
     254    * GEOS
     255    * JsonCpp
     256    * Xerces-C
     257    * CS-Map
     258 * MapGuide Common Libraries
     259    * Foundation
     260    * Geometry
     261    * PlatformBase
     262    * MapGuideCommon
     263 * Web Tier common libraries
     264    * HttpHandler
     265    * WebApp
     266    * WebSupport
     268Along with the .net SWIG interop glue libraries. Once this subset is built, all the `.so` library files will be copied over to a Windows build environment, where such files will be bundled into the resulting NuGet packages we create for the MapGuide API for .net
     270For maximum portability on Linux, the "common libs subset" should be built against internal Thirdparty libraries on a Linux distro with the oldest supported version of glibc. On adoption of this RFC, is is expected that this subset will be built in a CentOS 7 environment.
     272For a full end-to-end build of MapGuide for both Windows/Linux, the recommended build order will be:
     274 1. Common libs subset on a CentOS 7 environment
     275 2. Copy/transfer the compiled `.so` libraries from the CentOS 7 environment to the Windows environment
     276 3. Build MapGuide on Windows
     277 4. Build MapGuide on supported Linux distros
     279Despite now being a `netstandard2.0` library, Mac OSX is not a supported runtime environment
     281== Impact summary for deployments (Windows) ==
     283=== PHP ===
    110285The PHP binding is built for the Non-Thread-Safe (NTS) profile. This means that we no longer configure PHP support in Apache via `mod_php`. Instead PHP support in Apache is now configured via FastCGI through `mod_fcgid`. This allows us to bundle/ship one set of PHP NTS binaries that can correctly work in both IIS and Apache configurations on Windows. Previously, we did the incorrect thing of bundling the Thread-Safe (TS) PHP binaries and used it for both Apache (supported) and IIS (un-supported).
     287Barring the required migrations in your PHP codebase, the deployment process/experience should remain the same.
     289=== Java ===
     291The bundled version of Tomcat is 9.0.37. Refer to the Tomcat documentation for any migration/configuration/breaking changes from previous Tomcat versions
     293=== .net ===
     295The MapGuide web tier installation will still assume the default of IIS and .net Framework 4.8 for the .net configuration.
     297If you are intending to deploy an core MapGuide application to your MapGuide Web Tier, refer to the [ Microsoft-recommended deployment process] for deploying to IIS
     299== Impact summary for deployments (Linux) ==
     301=== PHP ===
     303Bundled PHP support does not use FastCGI like Windows. It still uses `mod_php`
     305=== Java ===
     307The bundled version of Tomcat is 9.0.37. Refer to the Tomcat documentation for any migration/configuration/breaking changes from previous Tomcat versions
     309=== .net ===
     311If you are intending to take advantage of the experimental Linux support of the .net binding, you should follow the [ Microsoft-recommended deployment process] for deploying an core application to Linux with Apache as the web server, and make the necessary adjustments so that
    112313== Test Plan ==
    116317Ensure AJAX viewer for all 3 languages are functional with these new bindings.
     319Ensure all code samples work under these new bindings.
    118321Ensure Fusion is functional with these new bindings.