= !MapGuide RFC 27 - New DWG Load Procedure Schema =
This page contains an change request (RFC) for the !MapGuide Open Source project. More !MapGuide RFCs can be found on the RFCs page.
== Status ==
||RFC Template Version||1.0||
||Submission Date||Aug 13, 2007||
||Last Modified||Bill Kellner||[[Timestamp]]||
||Author||Bill Kellner||
||RFC Status||draft||
||Implementation Status||under development||
||Proposed Milestone||1.3||
||Assigned PSC guide(s)||(when determined)||
||'''Voting History'''||(vote date)||
== Overview ==
This change adds a new version of the DWG Load Procedure resource schema.
== Motivation ==
Autodesk !MapGuide Studio will start using a new DWG load procedure XML document. Because the DWG load procedure document is stored in the repository the schema must be made available to the server.
== Proposed Solution ==
Copy the contents of LoadProcedure-1.0.0.xsd to a new file, LoadProcedure-1.1.0.xsd. Set the version to 1.1.0 and modify the DWG load procedure portion of the file. The rest of the load procedures are unchanged. Add LoadProcedure-1.1.0.xsd to the Common/Schema folder. This is enough to get the server to store DWG load procedures in the new format in the repository. Below is the new DWG load procedure related schema.
Extension of LoadProcedure for DWGs and DXFs
List of DWG files and their layers to be extracted, whether selected or not.
One DWG file and its layers
Indicate whether to combine components into one resource or create a separate resource for each component
Reduces the point (or vertex) count of each map feature to the specified percentage of the original count
Indicates whether to convert closed polyline features to polygons
Specifies a DWG file and its list of layers
The name of the DWG file
List of DWG layers
One DWG layer
Specifies a layer and a flag to indicate if it should be extracted
The name of the layer
Indicates whether this layer is to be extracted when executing the Load Procedure
== Implications ==
== Test Plan ==
There were no unit tests to test the dwg load procedure. No new unit tests are planned.
== Funding/Resources ==
Supplied by Autodesk.