= !MapGuide RFC 46 - New Generate Filters API = This page contains an change request (RFC) for the !MapGuide Open Source project. More !MapGuide RFCs can be found on the [wiki:MapGuideRfcs RFCs] page. == Status == ||RFC Template Version||(1.0)|| ||Submission Date||(Date/Time submitted)|| ||Last Modified||(your name here) [[Timestamp]]|| ||Author||Ronnie Louie|| ||RFC Status||draft|| ||Implementation Status||pending|| ||Proposed Milestone||2.1|| ||Assigned PSC guide(s)||(when determined)|| ||'''Voting History'''||(vote date)|| ||+1|||| ||+0|||| ||-0|||| ||-1|||| == Overview == This RFC is for adding a new API for generating filters from a selection. == Motivation == The current MgSelectionBase::GenerateFilter() API returns a string representing a filter for a set of selected features. {{{ STRING MgSelectionBase::GenerateFilter(MgLayerBase* layer, CREFSTRING className); }}} This filter string would look something like: "FeatId = 1109 OR FeatId = 1130 OR FeatId = 2065" such that each of the IDs of the selected features is explicitly specified. The string is then passed as the filter to MgFeatureService::SelectFeatures() to query the datastore. A selection can contain an unlimited number of features, which means that the filter will contain an unlimited number of OR conditions. However, most datastores have a finite number of OR's that can be supported, and some data sources, such as Access databases, are limited to a relatively small number or OR conditions. Results can be unpredictable when the limit is exceeded due to buffer overruns and/or memory corruption leading to instability in the MapGuide Server. In an effort to improve stability, GenerateFilter() was modified to return a string representing a smaller, but incomplete subset of the total selected features. == Proposed Solution == Exposing a new API to return a collection of smaller filters for a set of selected features will allow for querying of the datastore without compromising Server stability. Proposed New API: {{{ MgStringCollection* MgSelectionBase::GenerateFilters(MgLayerBase* layer, CREFSTRING className, INT32 selectionSize); }}} The selectionSize parameter specifies the maximum size for each of the individual filters in the collection. For example, if selectionSize = 20, the maximum number of features represented by an individual filter is 20. The collection could contain an unlimited number of filters to handle an unlimited number of features. == Implications == Code that currently calls MgSelectionBase::GenerateFilter() should be updated to use MgSelectionBase::GenerateFilters() instead, and the caller will be required to process all the filters in the collection to correctly query the complete selection set. PHP code example using existing MgSelectionBase::GenerateFilter() API {{{ $filter = $sel->GenerateFilter($selLayer, $featureClassName); $query = new MgFeatureQueryOptions(); $query->SetFilter($filter); $featureSource = new MgResourceIdentifier($selLayer->GetFeatureSourceId()); $features = $featureSrvc->SelectFeatures($featureSource, $featureClassName, $query); if($features->ReadNext()) { do { AddFeatureToCollection($features->GetGeometry()); } while($features->ReadNext()); $features->Close(); } }}} PHP code example using NEW MgSelectionBase::GenerateFilters() API {{{ $filterCollection = $sel->GenerateFilters($selLayer, $featureClassName, GetMaxSelectionSize()); for ($filterIndex = 0; $filterIndex < $filterCollection->GetCount(), $filterIndex++) { $query = new MgFeatureQueryOptions(); $query->SetFilter($filterCollection->GetItem($filterIndex)); $featureSource = new MgResourceIdentifier($selLayer->GetFeatureSourceId()); $features = $featureSrvc->SelectFeatures($featureSource, $featureClassName, $query); if($features->ReadNext()) { do { AddFeatureToCollection($features->GetGeometry()); } while($features->ReadNext()); $features->Close(); } } }}} In places where a relatively small number of features are expected in a selection (i.e. less than the value specified by SelectionFilterSize in serverconfig.ini/webconfig.ini), MgSelectionBase::GenerateFilter() can still be safely used to return correct results. This is a new API which will need to be documented. == Test Plan == Test existing APIs to ensure functionality does not change. Test NEW APIs functionality. == Funding/Resources == Autodesk to supply