Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of MapGuideRfc72

07/02/09 23:36:32 (16 years ago)



  • MapGuideRfc72

    v1 v1  
     1= !MapGuide RFC 72 - Commercial Map Service Support =
     2This page contains an change request (RFC) for the !MapGuide Open Source project.
     3More !MapGuide RFCs can be found on the [wiki:MapGuideRfcs RFCs] page.
     5== Status ==
     7||RFC Template Version||(1.0)||
     8||Submission Date||(Date/Time submitted)||
     9||Last Modified|| Arthur Liu [[Timestamp]]||
     10||Author||Arthur Liu||
     11||RFC Status||draft||
     12||Implementation Status||under development||
     13||Proposed Milestone||2.2||
     14||Assigned PSC guide(s)||Tom Fukushima||
     15||'''Voting History'''||(vote date)||
     16||+1|| ||
     17||+0|| ||
     18||-0|| ||
     19||-1|| ||
     20||no vote|| ||
     22== Overview ==
     24Commercial tiled map layers can be used as base layers within MapGuide flexible layouts. Users can use MapGuide overlays with commercial map service layers(Google maps, Yahoo maps and Virtual Earth).
     26== Motivation ==
     28Fusion provide a solution to integrate the commercial map services into standard template: [[BR]]
     301. Add some script tags to index.html manually. These scripts indicate commercial mapping api providers and unique api keys supplied by these providers.[[BR]]
     322. Modify the application definition to include the commercial map service layers. [[BR]]
     35MapGuide templates should have the capability to support the commercial map services too, and we also need to provide a more convenient approach to add scripts.
     37== Proposed Solution ==
     391. Save the commercial mapping api providers and keys as extension in application definition.[[BR]]
     412. MapGuide templates load the extension information from the application definition , and add the script tags into index.html on demand. [[BR]]
     43So users just need to provide an application definition with extension, then they will obtain the commercial mapping services.
     45== Implications ==
     47Just add a script tag into index.html of MapGuide templates, which used for loading extension information from application definition. [[BR]]
     48For those application definitions which do not have extenstion information, there's no additional burden.
     50== Test Plan ==
     52Test 5 MapGuide templates(aqua, limegold, maroon, slate and turquoiseyellow) to verify if they could support the commercial map services.
     54== Funding/Resources ==
     56Supplied by Autodesk.