Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of MapGuideRfc79

07/28/09 22:47:00 (15 years ago)



  • MapGuideRfc79

    v10 v11  
    3030As per [ FDO RFC37] !FdoException is going to provide a !GetNativeErrorCode method, !MgFdoException should also provide such a method, so that users can get the native error code of FDO exception directly, and then do some specific process regarding the native error code .
    31 Also, in Web Tier API, the !MgApplicationException does not have enough subclasses to indicate the actual error. Hence more specific exception classes will be added into GIS Platform.
     31Also, in Web Tier API, the !MgApplicationException does not have enough subclasses to indicate the actual error. Hence more specific exception classes will be added into Web Tier API.
    78 The following exception classes will be added into Web Tier API. In the following class diagram, ones with white color are the existing classes and ones with light green color are the new ones. There are no any new methods added to those new exception classes. All of methods are inherited from !MgException.
     78The following exception classes will be added into Web Tier API. In the following class diagram, ones with white color are the existing classes and ones with light green color are the new ones. There are no any new methods added to those new exception classes. All of methods are inherited from !MgFdoException.
    7979The description of new exception classes above are as follows.
    8383The description of new exception classes above are as follows.[[BR]]
    84     -!MgNotConnectedException: Thrown when executing an operation that requires a connected feature source connection.[[BR]]
    85     -!MgWrongConnectionParamValueException: Thrown when connecting datastore with invalid connection parameters. [[BR]]
    86     -!MgInsufficentPrivilegesException: Thrown when connecting a FDO data source without sufficient privileges.[[BR]]
    87     -!MgInvalidSQLStatementException: Thrown when executing an invalid SQL statement.[[BR]]
    88     -!MgOutOfRangePropertyValueException: Thrown when setting the property value to one which violates constraint !FdoPropertyValueConstraintRange.[[BR]]
    89     -!MgNotUniquePropertyValueException: Thrown when setting the property value to one which isn’t unique.[[BR]]
    90     -!MgNotInListPropertyValueException: Thrown when setting the property value to one which violates constraint !FdoPropertyValueConstraintList.[[BR]]
    91     -!MgSchemaDoesNotExistException: Thrown when the specified schema doesn’t exist.[[BR]]
    92     -!MgSchemaAlreadyExistsException: Thrown when creating a schema that already exists.[[BR]]
    93     -!MgClassDoesNotExistException: Thrown when the specified class doesn’t exist.[[BR]]
    94     -!MgClassAlreadyExistsException: Thrown when creating a class that already exists.[[BR]]
    95     -!MgPropertyDoesNotExistException: Thrown when the specified class doesn’t exist.[[BR]]
    96     -!MgPropertyAlreadyExistsException: Thrown when creating a class that already exists.[[BR]]
     84    - !MgFdoConnectionException: This exception is the base of the following 3 classes.[[BR]]
     85    - !MgFdoDisconnectedException: This exception is thrown whenever executing an operation which requires FDO connection is connected, but FDO connection is disconnected[[BR]]
     86    - !MgFdoInvalidConnectionParamValueException: Thrown when connecting datastore with invalid connection parameters. [[BR]]
     87    - !MgFdoInsufficentPrivilegesException: Thrown when connecting a FDO data source without sufficient privileges.[[BR]]
     88    - !MgFdoCommandException: This is the base class for !MgFdoSQLCommandException.[[BR]]
     89    - !MgFdoSQLCommandException: This is the base class for !MgFdoInvalidSQLStatementException.[[BR]]
     90    - !MgFdoInvalidSQLStatementException: Thrown when executing an invalid SQL statement.[[BR]]
     91    - !MgFdoConstraintException: This exception is the base of the following 4 classes.[[BR]]
     92    - !MgFdoNullPropertyValueException: This exception is thrown whenever setting a non-nullable property value to null. [[BR]]
     93    - !MgFdoOutOfRangePropertyValueException: Thrown when setting the property value to one which violates constraint !FdoPropertyValueConstraintRange.[[BR]]
     94    - !MgFdoNotUniquePropertyValueException: Thrown when setting the property value to one which isn’t unique.[[BR]]
     95    - !MgFdoNotInListPropertyValueException: Thrown when setting the property value to one which violates constraint !FdoPropertyValueConstraintList.[[BR]]
     96    - !MgFdoSchemaException: This exception is the base of the following 6 classes.[[BR]]
     97    - !MgFdoSchemaDoesNotExistException: Thrown when the specified schema doesn’t exist.[[BR]]
     98    - !MgFdoSchemaAlreadyExistsException: Thrown when creating a schema that already exists.[[BR]]
     99    - !MgFdoClassDoesNotExistException: Thrown when the specified class doesn’t exist.[[BR]]
     100    - !MgFdoClassAlreadyExistsException: Thrown when creating a class that already exists.[[BR]]
     101    - !MgFdoPropertyDoesNotExistException: Thrown when the specified class doesn’t exist.[[BR]]
     102    - !MgFdoPropertyAlreadyExistsException: Thrown when creating a class that already exists.[[BR]]