84 | | -!MgNotConnectedException: Thrown when executing an operation that requires a connected feature source connection.[[BR]] |
85 | | -!MgWrongConnectionParamValueException: Thrown when connecting datastore with invalid connection parameters. [[BR]] |
86 | | -!MgInsufficentPrivilegesException: Thrown when connecting a FDO data source without sufficient privileges.[[BR]] |
87 | | -!MgInvalidSQLStatementException: Thrown when executing an invalid SQL statement.[[BR]] |
88 | | -!MgOutOfRangePropertyValueException: Thrown when setting the property value to one which violates constraint !FdoPropertyValueConstraintRange.[[BR]] |
89 | | -!MgNotUniquePropertyValueException: Thrown when setting the property value to one which isn’t unique.[[BR]] |
90 | | -!MgNotInListPropertyValueException: Thrown when setting the property value to one which violates constraint !FdoPropertyValueConstraintList.[[BR]] |
91 | | -!MgSchemaDoesNotExistException: Thrown when the specified schema doesn’t exist.[[BR]] |
92 | | -!MgSchemaAlreadyExistsException: Thrown when creating a schema that already exists.[[BR]] |
93 | | -!MgClassDoesNotExistException: Thrown when the specified class doesn’t exist.[[BR]] |
94 | | -!MgClassAlreadyExistsException: Thrown when creating a class that already exists.[[BR]] |
95 | | -!MgPropertyDoesNotExistException: Thrown when the specified class doesn’t exist.[[BR]] |
96 | | -!MgPropertyAlreadyExistsException: Thrown when creating a class that already exists.[[BR]] |
| 84 | - !MgFdoConnectionException: This exception is the base of the following 3 classes.[[BR]] |
| 85 | - !MgFdoDisconnectedException: This exception is thrown whenever executing an operation which requires FDO connection is connected, but FDO connection is disconnected[[BR]] |
| 86 | - !MgFdoInvalidConnectionParamValueException: Thrown when connecting datastore with invalid connection parameters. [[BR]] |
| 87 | - !MgFdoInsufficentPrivilegesException: Thrown when connecting a FDO data source without sufficient privileges.[[BR]] |
| 88 | - !MgFdoCommandException: This is the base class for !MgFdoSQLCommandException.[[BR]] |
| 89 | - !MgFdoSQLCommandException: This is the base class for !MgFdoInvalidSQLStatementException.[[BR]] |
| 90 | - !MgFdoInvalidSQLStatementException: Thrown when executing an invalid SQL statement.[[BR]] |
| 91 | - !MgFdoConstraintException: This exception is the base of the following 4 classes.[[BR]] |
| 92 | - !MgFdoNullPropertyValueException: This exception is thrown whenever setting a non-nullable property value to null. [[BR]] |
| 93 | - !MgFdoOutOfRangePropertyValueException: Thrown when setting the property value to one which violates constraint !FdoPropertyValueConstraintRange.[[BR]] |
| 94 | - !MgFdoNotUniquePropertyValueException: Thrown when setting the property value to one which isn’t unique.[[BR]] |
| 95 | - !MgFdoNotInListPropertyValueException: Thrown when setting the property value to one which violates constraint !FdoPropertyValueConstraintList.[[BR]] |
| 96 | - !MgFdoSchemaException: This exception is the base of the following 6 classes.[[BR]] |
| 97 | - !MgFdoSchemaDoesNotExistException: Thrown when the specified schema doesn’t exist.[[BR]] |
| 98 | - !MgFdoSchemaAlreadyExistsException: Thrown when creating a schema that already exists.[[BR]] |
| 99 | - !MgFdoClassDoesNotExistException: Thrown when the specified class doesn’t exist.[[BR]] |
| 100 | - !MgFdoClassAlreadyExistsException: Thrown when creating a class that already exists.[[BR]] |
| 101 | - !MgFdoPropertyDoesNotExistException: Thrown when the specified class doesn’t exist.[[BR]] |
| 102 | - !MgFdoPropertyAlreadyExistsException: Thrown when creating a class that already exists.[[BR]] |