
Version 447 (modified by yangte, 13 years ago) ( diff )


MapGuide RFCs

This page is a working document, showing all current and previous RFCs submitted to the MapGuide PSC. To create a new RFC follow these steps:

  • edit this page, creating a new link in the following format:

[wiki:MapGuideRfc# MapGuide RFC # - RFC Title]

  • add a status indication beside it of "Not ready for review"
  • save the page and follow the new link
  • edit the new page using the RFC Template as a guide
  • when you are ready for review, set the status column to "draft" and send a note to the mapguide-internals mail list


MapGuide RFC 1 - Commandline Parameter Changesimplemented1.2
MapGuide RFC 2 - Unmanaged Data APIsimplemented1.2
MapGuide RFC 3 - Session Affinity (Load balancing)implemented1.2
MapGuide RFC 4 - KML Supportas designed1.2
MapGuide RFC 5 - Enhanced Join Support implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 6 - Overriding Coordinate Systems in Feature Sources implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 7 - AJAX Tooltip Performance Optimizationsuperseded (MapGuideRfc15)1.2
MapGuide RFC 8 - PHP pages for describing a feature source implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 9 - Add Convenience Methods to MgLayerBase implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 10 - Make Schemas More Amenable to Interim Enhancements implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 11 - Stateless Http GETTILEIMAGE request implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 12 - Unmanaged Data API Changes implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 13 - Configurable tile size implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 14 - Cartographic Stylization Engine implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 15 - New Query Features API implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 16 - Elevation and Extrusion Support for KML implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 17 - Map Space Line Widths implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 18 - Localization implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 19 - Concurrent FDO provider connections implemented 1.2
MapGuide RFC 20 - Obtain User, Group, Role information from MapGuide session idimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 21 - Expose functionality for manipulating runtime map, using the Xml formatdraft2.0
MapGuide RFC 22 - Replace FastCGIimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 23 - Berkeley DB XML 2.3 Upgradeimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 24 - Fusion Integrationimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 25 - Responses in JSON formatimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 26 - Stylize Elevation Layerimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 27 - New DWG Load Procedure schemaimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 28 - Web Tier APIs for Fusion supportimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 29 - MDF Schema Changes for Stylizationimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 30 - FDO Configuration XML Utilitydraft2.0
MapGuide RFC 31 - SymbolDefinition Support for Edit Controls and Rich Text Support (Markup)implemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 32 - Expression Functions to Support Themingimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 33 - Convenience Methods for Selectionimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 34 - Add ApplicationDefinition Resource Type and Schema for Fusion Integrationimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 35 - Coordinate System API Cleanupimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 36 - Improve EnumerateResources API's performanceimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 37 - New Provider Capabilities schemaimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 38 - GETDYNAMICMAPOVERLAYIMAGE Enhancements for Selectionimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 39 - Include layer name in WMS GetFeatureInfo responseimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 40 - Add support for using the AGG rendererimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 41 - .NET boilerplatte and samples for building web servicesdraft2.1
MapGuide RFC 42 - Remove Support Servers from Site Administratorimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 43 - Support Search and Selection on Double Identity Propertiesimplemented1.2
MapGuide RFC 44 - Specific Geometry Types in Property Definitionimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 45 - Enhanced Locale Supportimplemented2.0
MapGuide RFC 46 - New Generate Filters API retracted 2.1
MapGuide RFC 47 - Migrate to Microsoft Visual Studio 2008implemented2.1
MapGuide RFC 48 - Add MapStudio Open Source (Maestro) as an official MapGuide toolimplemented 2.0.1
MapGuide RFC 49 - Enhance Server Error Reportingimplemented2.1
MapGuide RFC 50 - Hide Legend Styles implemented2.1
MapGuide RFC 51 - Raster Re-projection implemented2.1
MapGuide RFC 52 - Remove GD Renderer deferred2.1
MapGuide RFC 53 - DescribeSchema, DescribeSchemaAsXml, GetSchemas and GetClasses API Enhancementsimplemented2.1
MapGuide RFC 54 - Better Legend Control not ready for review
MapGuide RFC 55 - Switch from PROJ4 to CS-Map coordinate system library implemented2.1
MapGuide RFC 56 - Add additional map commands to GETDYNAMICMAPOVERLAYIMAGE implemented2.1
MapGuide RFC 57 - Refining the linux build process and generating install packages not ready for review
MapGuide RFC 58 - Setting up a "Donate to Builds" process for the build infrastructure superceded 2.1
MapGuide RFC 59 - Add TIN layer type in Layer Definition Schema retracted 2.1
MapGuide RFC 60 - improvement of color palette quantization for PNG8 tiles implemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 61 - GetSpatialContexts cleanup ready for review2.2
MapGuide RFC 62 - Defining consistent Structures for Mapguide and FDO Releases and Builds draft
MapGuide RFC 63 - Introducing smart request queues to improve performance and stability ready for comments
MapGuide RFC 64 - Enabling strict exception handling for tile generation ready for comments
MapGuide RFC 65 - ACE Upgradeimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 66 - Prevent session timeout, and give better error messagesimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 67 - Common Print Layout and Print Layout Elementsadopted2.x
MapGuide RFC 68 - Refactoring Web .NET API into Common DLLsimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 69 - Rendering Layer Styles using Style Orderready for review
MapGuide RFC 70 - Apply Schemaimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 71 - AJAX Viewer Property Pane support for multiple selected featuresimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 72 - Commercial Map Service Supportretracted2.2
MapGuide RFC 73 - Batch Processing for layersimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 74 - Move or rename resource avoid breaking linksimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 75 - Adding caching support to GETTILEIMAGEdraft
MapGuide RFC 76 - Grid/Graticule implementation in the MgCoordinateSystem APIimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 77 - Create Feature Sourceimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 78 - Add transaction support to FeatureServiceimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 79 - Detailed Exceptionimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 80 - Parameter Bindingimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 81 - Add a new widget Feature Inspectorretracted2.2
MapGuide RFC 82 - Extend Reader Access by Indeximplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 83 - Project Sponsorshipadopted2.2
MapGuide RFC 84 - Fetch Sizeimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 85 - Add SQLite as a load procedure typeimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 86 - The Pinned FDO Connectionretracted2.2
MapGuide RFC 87 - SiteInformation enhancementsimplemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 88 - AJAX Viewer support for custom initial viewretracted
MapGuide RFC 89 - Upgrade to PHP 5.3implemented2.2
MapGuide RFC 90 - Meta Tiling Supportdraft2.2
MapGuide RFC 91 - Upgrade Apache/Tomcat to the latest versionimplemented2.3
MapGuide RFC 92 - Enable native GCC 4.4 compilatonNot ready for review2.3
MapGuide RFC 93 - Official Project LogoProposed2.2
MapGuide RFC 94 - Datum Transformation Upgradeimplemented2.3
MapGuide RFC 95 - OGC WMS 1.3.0 Supportimplemented2.3
MapGuide RFC 96 - QuickPlot solution for both Ajax and Fusion viewersimplemented2.3
MapGuide RFC 97 - ACE Upgradeadopted2.3
MapGuide RFC 98 - EPSG/SRID Code Upgradeimplemented2.3
MapGuide RFC 99 - Support PHP FastCGIadopted2.3
MapGuide RFC 100 - Web Tier support for testing expressions and filtersdraft2.3
MapGuide RFC 101 - Xerces Upgradedraft2.3
MapGuide RFC 102 - DBXML and Xqilla Upgradedraft2.3
MapGuide RFC 103 - Client needs to get WMS/WFS config inforetracted2.3
MapGuide RFC 104 - Support Visual Studio 2010adopted2.3
MapGuide RFC 105 - Enhance feature service GetCapabilities APIimplemented2.3
MapGuide RFC 106 - OGC WFS 1.1.0 Supportimplemented2.3
MapGuide RFC 107 - Enhance Tile service to add a new API GenerateTilesuperceded2.3
MapGuide RFC 108 - Support Watermarkadopted2.3
MapGuide RFC 109 - RenderMapLegend API enhancementretracted2.3
MapGuide RFC 110 - Profiling Serviceadopted2.4
MapGuide RFC 111 - Deploy Viewer Code with Subversion Attributesimplemented2.4
MapGuide RFC 112 - Sqlite based tile cachedraft2.4
MapGuide RFC 113 - Support Path Scaling In Symbol Definitionadopted2.4
MapGuide RFC 114 - Extend MapGuide API to Support Save Pointsadopted2.4
MapGuide RFC 115 - Map Specific configuration optionsNot ready for review2.4
MapGuide RFC 116 - Coordinate System Conversion Performance Upgradeimplemented2.4
MapGuide RFC 117 - Desktop Platform APIimplemented2.4
MapGuide RFC 118 - Support IPv6adopted2.4
MapGuide RFC 119 - Enhance URL information in vector layer definitionready for review2.4
MapGuide RFC 120 - Add new command MapTip to enable/disable map tooltips in web layoutimplemented2.4
MapGuide RFC 121 - Upgrade Apache, Tomcat and PHP to latest versionadopted2.4
MapGuide RFC 122 - Configurable Coordinate System Dictionary pathsimplemented2.4
MapGuide RFC 123 - Feature Join optimization shortcut using FDO Join APIsadopted2.4
MapGuide RFC 124 - Fusion QuickPlot enhancementNot ready for review2.4
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