
Version 6 (modified by trevorwekel, 14 years ago) ( diff )


MapGuide 2.2 RC1 Release Status

The MapGuide 2.2 Release was tentatively scheduled for the end of June.


Ubuntu 9 .deb packaging scripts for 32 bitReady to buildTBDTrevorPackaging scripts are complete
Ubuntu 9 .deb packaging scripts for 64 bitOut of scopeNATrevor64 bit will not be released due to compilation issues with third party libraries
CentOS 5 .rpm packaging scripts for 32 bitReady to buildTBDTrevorTarball will be used for release
CentOS 5 .rpm packaging scripts for 64 bitOut of scopeTBDTrevorThird party compilation issues
Update Win32 installer for 2.2 code changes CompletedMar 25 TrevorRegen of Wix files by Jackie helped.
Testing underway.
Create Win64 installer CompletedJune 28Trevor With help from Jason and Jackie, installer is ready


Use correct branches of CS-Map and Fusion on build machinesCompletedJuly 9TrevorThanks Mike Adair, Paul Spencer, and Hugues Wisniewski
Install or compile appropriate FDO version on build machinesNot startedTBDTrevor
Branch 2.2 code baseNot startedTBDTrevorThis could be done after beta
Generate 32 bit Windows installerReady to buildTBDTrevor Installer build fully automated.
Generate 32 bit Ubuntu 9 DEB packagesReady to buildTBDTrevor Debian packaging partially automated.
Generate 32 bit CentOS 5 RPM packagesReady to buildTBDTrevorBinary tarballs can be generated manually
CentOS 5 64 bit build machine setupOut of scopeNATrevorThird party compilation issues
Ubuntu 9 64 bit packaging machine setupOut of scopeNATrevorThird party compilation issues


RFC 71Completed Mar 21 Jackie
RFC 88On Hold TBD JackieRFC has been retracted and may move to MapGuide 2.3
RFC 89Completed April 8 BruceCompleted under Ticket #1292
RFC 90On Hold TBD UVMoved to 2.3
RFC 91Unknown TBD Buddy HuMoved to 2.3



Ticket #1021 Avoiding login window in an application using flexible fusion weblayout ReopenedTBDvolunteer?
Ticket #1096 <coordinates> tag in generated KML does not follow spec ReopenedTBDvolunteer?
Ticket #1196 MapGuide unresponsive using GDAL provider (related to ticket #462)NewTBDvolunteer? solution
Ticket #1263 wrong scale values with tiles maps NewTBDvolunteer?
Ticket #1308 out of bounds tile requests are rendered and persistedNewTBDvolunteer? non blocker, needs discussion
Ticket #1351 CreateSession can generate invalid session ids NewTBDChris
Ticket #1368 ACE:init missing in MapGuideCommon lib NewTBDBruce
Ticket #1369 Problem with MapGuide and Oracle Spatial (FDOKingOracle) in linux NewTBDvolunteer?
Ticket #1376 Error with SetResource NewTBDvolunteer?
Ticket #1378 Cannot connect to SQL Server 2008 - 2.2 Beta 1 NewTBDvolunteer?
Ticket #1380 Mapguide 2.2 beta on Linux fails to setup locale from system NewTBDTrevor
Ticket #1382 Mapguide 2.2 beta. Undefined symbols in FDO PostGIS e FDO PostgreSQL/PostGIS providers NewTBDTrevor
Ticket #1396 Feature join rendering problems (possible explanation inside...) NewTBDBruce
Ticket #1397 When the length of TaskPane url is less than 8, there will be a exception NewTBDvolunteer?
Ticket #1400 WFS using King.Oracle FDO ProviderNewTBDvolunteer?


Ticket #1004 Release 2.1.0 (Beta) build in linux_redhat5 not workCompletedMar 30Trevor
Ticket #1274 Right button context menu doesn't work in Opera or Chrome NewTBDZac Change to browser detection logic proposed
Ticket #1278 Apache crashes under load NewTBDvolunteer? Need Apache 2.2.14(+) Backport MapGuideRfc91?
Ticket #1359 Arbitrary XY-M maps are problematic in FusionCompletedJune 24Mike AdairMike has submitted a fix to Fusion
Ticket #1370 Can't login using 2.1 preview AssignedTBDJackie
Ticket #1388 MgMap.Create causes crash of 64 bit Web Extensions on Windows NewTBDJackie
Ticket #1393 Maestro does not launch from installer NewTBDJackie

Functional Validation

Validate Windows install on XPNot started TBD volunteer?Do we need to validate Apache/IIS + PHP/.Net/Java + all providers?
Validate Windows install on VistaNot started TBD volunteer?Do we need to validate Apache/IIS + PHP/.Net/Java + all providers?
Validate Windows install on Windows 7Not started TBD volunteer?Do we need to validate Apache/IIS + PHP/.Net/Java + all providers?
Validate Windows install on Windows Server 2003 R2Not started TBD volunteer?Do we need to validate Apache/IIS + PHP/.Net/Java + all providers?
Validate Windows install on Windows Server 2008Not started TBD volunteer?Do we need to validate Apache/IIS + PHP/.Net/Java + all providers?
Validate Windows install on Windows Server 2008 R2Not started TBD volunteer?Do we need to validate Apache/IIS + PHP/.Net/Java + all providers?
Validate Linux install on CentOS 5.4Not started TBD volunteer?Do we need to validate PHP/.Net/Java + all providers?
Validate Linux install on Ubuntu 9Not started TBD volunteer?Do we need to validate PHP/.Net/Java + all providers?



Generate and upload API documentationNot startedTBDvolunteer?

Sample Applications

Update sample apps to reflect 2.2 code changesNot startedTBDvolunteer?
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.