
Version 3 (modified by trevorwekel, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Serverconfig.ini and Webconfig.ini Documentation and Tuning

Revision History

0.1May 10, 2010Trevor WekelInitial pass at documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
    1. Common Validation Information
      1. String Properties
      2. Numeric Properties
  2. Serverconfig.ini
    1. Overview
    2. [GeneralProperties] Section
      1. Locale Parameter
      2. LogsDetail Parameter
    3. [AdministrativeConnectionProperties] Section
    4. [ClientConnectionProperties] Section
    5. [SiteConnectionProperties] Section
    6. [HostProperties] Section
    7. [DrawingServiceProperties] Section
    8. [FeatureServiceProperties] Section
    9. [MappingServiceProperties] Section
    10. [RenderingServiceProperties] Section
    11. [ResourceServiceProperties] Section
    12. [SiteServiceProperties] Section
    13. [TileServiceProperties] Section
    14. [AccessLogProperties] Section
    15. [AdminLogProperties] Section
    16. [AuthenticationLogProperties] Section
    17. [ErrorLogProperties] Section
    18. [SessionLogProperties] Section
    19. [TraceLogProperties] Section
    20. [FontAliases] Section
    21. [UnmanagedDataMappings] Section
  3. Webconfig.ini
    1. Overview
    2. [GeneralProperties] Section
    3. [AdministrativeConnectionProperties] Section
    4. [ClientConnectionProperties] Section
    5. [SiteConnectionProperties] Section
    6. [AgentProperties] Section
    7. [OgcProperties] Section
    8. [WebApplicationProperties] Section


This document describes the parameters and provides parameter tuning tips for serverconfig.ini and webconfig.ini.

Common Validation Information

String Properties

Property Type Range of String Length Reserved Characters
File Name 0 < Length <= 128 \/:*?"<>|
Folder Name 0 < Length <= 128 \/:*?"<>|
Log Parameters 0 < Length <= 1024
Password 0 < Length <= 64 \t\r\n\v\f
Path 0 < Length <= 255 *?"<>|

Numeric Properties

Property Type Range of String Length
Port Number 0 < Value <= 65535



Serverconfig.ini controls various aspects of the MapGuide Server process. It is typically located in C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Server\bin or /usr/local/mapguideopensource/server/bin.

[GeneralProperties] Section

Property Name Supported In Restrictions Description
ConnectionTimeout < Value <= 86400 Time duration in seconds for when an idle connection is dropped
ConnectionTimerInterval 0 < Value <= 2147483647 Time interval in seconds for when the server checks for idle connections
DefaultMessageLocale Length = 2 ISO 639-1 name for the message locale
DisplayName 0 <= Length <= 255
Reserved Characters: \/:*?"<>|
Display name of the server
FdoPath Path where FDO is installed
LicenseServerPath The path to the License server (not used by MapGuide Open Source)
Locale 0 <= Length <= 255 The server's locale.
LogsDelimiter Delimiter that separates the data fields in the log files
LogsDetail Level of logging detail per service
LogsPath Path where log files are stored
MachineIp 0 < Length <= 255 IP address of the server
MaxLogFileSize 0 < Value <= 2000000 Max size allowed for the log files in kilobytes (KB)
MaxLogFileSizeEnabled 0 = max size disabled, 1 = max size enabled
!Renderer Image renderer to use (GD or AGG)
ResourcesPath Path where the localization resource files are stored
SerialNumber 0 <= Length <= 12 The MapGuide Server serial number (not used by MapGuide Open Source)
TcpIpMtu 0 < Value <= 65535 TCP/IP maximum transmission unit
TempPath Path where the temporary files are stored
WfsDocumentPath Document path location for WFS documents
WmsDocumentPath Document path location for WMS documents

Locale Parameter

The server's locale. If left blank it will default to the operating system locale
Format: lang[_country_region.code_page]
Example (Windows): English_United States.1252
Example (Linux): en_US.iso88591

LogsDetail Parameter

Level of logging detail per service.

  • 0 - Errors without parameters (default)
  • 1 - Warnings and Errors with parameters
  • 2 - Trace, Warnings, and Errors
  • 3 - Internal Trace, Trace, Warnings, and Errors

Service keys: ResourceService, DrawingService, FeatureService, MappingService, RenderingService, TileService, KmlService, ServerAdminService, SiteService
Example: MappingService:3,FeatureService:1

[AdministrativeConnectionProperties] Section

Property Name Supported In Restrictions Description
Email 0 <= Length <= 255 Server administrator's email address
MaxConnections 0 < Value <= 1024 Max # of open administration connections
Port Port to use for administration operations.
WARNING: If you change the port # here you must also
change the corresponding port # in webconfig.ini
QueueSize 0 < Value <= 1024 Max # of administration operations to queue
ThreadPoolSize 0 < Value <= 1024 # of threads available for processing administration operations

[ClientConnectionProperties] Section

Property Name Supported In Restrictions Description
MaxConnections 0 < Value <= 1024 Max # of open client connections
Port Port to use for client operations.
WARNING: If you change the port # here you must also
change the corresponding port # in webconfig.ini
QueueSize 0 < Value <= 1024 Max # of client operations to queue
ThreadPoolSize 0 < Value <= 1024 # of threads available for processing client operations

[SiteConnectionProperties] Section

Property Name Supported In Restrictions Description
IpAddress 0 < Length <= 255 IP address of site server
MaxConnections 0 < Value <= 1024 Max # of open site connections
Port Port to use for site operations.
WARNING: If you change the port # here you must also
change the corresponding port # in webconfig.ini
QueueSize 0 < Value <= 1024 Max # of site operations to queue
ThreadPoolSize 0 < Value <= 1024 # of threads available for processing site operations

[HostProperties] Section

[DrawingServiceProperties] Section

[FeatureServiceProperties] Section

[MappingServiceProperties] Section

[RenderingServiceProperties] Section

[ResourceServiceProperties] Section

[SiteServiceProperties] Section

[TileServiceProperties] Section

[AccessLogProperties] Section

[AdminLogProperties] Section

[AuthenticationLogProperties] Section

[ErrorLogProperties] Section

[SessionLogProperties] Section

[TraceLogProperties] Section

[FontAliases] Section

[UnmanagedDataMappings] Section



Webconfig.ini controls various aspects of the MapGuide WebExtensions and MapAgent. It is typically located in C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Web\www or /usr/local/mapguideopensource/webserverextensions/www.

[GeneralProperties] Section

[AdministrativeConnectionProperties] Section

[ClientConnectionProperties] Section

[SiteConnectionProperties] Section

[AgentProperties] Section

[OgcProperties] Section

[WebApplicationProperties] Section

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.