Changes between Version 40 and Version 41 of maestro/Downloads

07/27/09 00:14:11 (16 years ago)



  • maestro/Downloads

    v40 v41  
    4343This release may not be functional. It might not be translated completely. It is here to showcase new features or to get feedback on particular issues. Most users do not want to download these files. If you use the installer, you must uninstall a previous version first. If you use the binaries, DO NOT overwrite your current installation, as the next release will not replace your files, and thus not work. Uninstall will even leave the files there.
    44  *  [ Installer r4082]
    45  *  [ Binaries r4082]
     44 *  [ Installer r3911]
     45 *  [ Binaries r3911]
    4646The number indicates what revision of the source code the items were built with. The [ Revision log] explains what changes are contained in the code.
    48 r4082 has the following fixes and additions to 1.0.9:
     48r3911 has the following fixes and additions to 1.0.9:
    4949 * Enabled editing of permissions on the root node.
    5050 * Fixed a bug with creating a package from the entire site.
    7777 * Added resource reference listing in the properties window.
    7878 * Fixed numerous issues with MgCooker, and added options to the GUI.
    79  * Fixed an issue with the MgCooker connection settings
    80  * Fixed an error when moving a folder into itself
    81  * Fixed a chrash with the validator
    82  * Improved the Package Builder and put it in a seperate Dll for non-Maestro usage
     79 * Fixed an issue with the MgCooker connection settings (r4081)
     80 * Fixed an error when moving a folder into itself (r4081)
     81 * Fixed a chrash with the validator (r4081)
     82 * Improved the Package Builder and put it in a seperate Dll for non-Maestro usage (r4081)
    8484== Previous releases ==