Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#1115 closed task

osgeo projects update — at Version 17

Reported by: jive Owned by: wildintellect
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin Keywords:
Cc: sac@…, Jeff McKenna

Description (last modified by wildintellect)

Request to update the OSGeo Projects panel on the website (the panel is not available from drupal near as I can tell and IRC suggests it is supplied by an include).

  1. Replace "Other Projects" with ...

Outreach Projects

  • Public Geospatial Data
  • Education and Curriculum
  1. Move move projects in incubation to ...

Incubation Projects

  • ZOO-Project
  • MetaCRS
  • rasdaman

Change History (17)

comment:1 by wildintellect, 12 years ago

Cc: sac@… added
Owner: changed from sac@… to wildintellect

It's a Drupal Block

Outreach Projects is done. Should Live DVD be removed from the left side Community list?

Is this a decision of the incubation committee to move all incubation projects out of their current classification into an "Incubation" category?

There appear to be several other projects still marked as in incubation, has the status of those changed or would these also move?

comment:2 by jive, 12 years ago

I will ask Cameron about that ... hold on.

Yeah he likes the idea, in part because the project is called "OSGeo Live" (and not Live DVD)

comment:3 by jive, 12 years ago

This is not a decision by the incubation committee, just me trying to update the website to reflect what projects are in flight. A category communicates better then the little "symbol" to indicate what projects are in incubation.

My personal preference is to remove incubation projects from the home page, as OSGeo is not in position to recommend them yet. But I understand that not everyone feels that way :)

comment:4 by jive, 12 years ago

Motion made on incubation committee email list: "Incubation Projects remain listed on the OSGeo webpage, under a distinct "incubation" category."

Motion has passed with 6 in favour and none against.

To update the list of incubation projects (pycsw is added to the list):

  • ZOO-Project

comment:5 by Gérald Fenoy, 12 years ago

To complete the urls list:

comment:6 by jive, 12 years ago

So wildintellect we are good to go here.

comment:7 by wildintellect, 12 years ago

Do you want: Projects:

Web Mapping...

Incubation Projects:

Web Mapping...

Project Name

Next Category...

Project Name2


Incubation Projects:

Project Name1 Project Name2

comment:8 by EliL, 12 years ago

Perhaps leave GeoMoose as is or remove the incubation icon, the Board has not yet approved (, but we are out of the incubation committee,

Or rearrange it for this, then I can do a different ticket once it is official. That may be the best way to avoid complicating this.

in reply to:  7 comment:9 by jive, 12 years ago

Replying to wildintellect:

From IRC, setting them aside in a separate "Incubation" box, in order to provide categories is fine with me (option 1). My intension was option 2 as your describe.

The motion was to separate them out from the regular list (as the <> symbol is not communicating a project status) - both of your alternatives options accomplish that separation.

comment:10 by Jeff McKenna, 12 years ago

Cc: Jeff McKenna added

For the record I just added pycsw into the existing "Metadata Catalog" section. Please move it around according to this ticket if you need to.

in reply to:  10 comment:11 by hamish, 12 years ago

Replying to jmckenna:

For the record I just added pycsw into the existing "Metadata Catalog" section. Please move it around according to this ticket if you need to.

suggest s/Metadata Catalog/Metadata Catalogs/ for the section title.

regards, Hamish

comment:12 by wildintellect, 12 years ago

I've split out the Incubation projects into it's own Block below the Projects block. I just did it with the existing list. I'm a little confused though because the request on this ticket does not contain a comprehensive list of projects, their status, and url. I looked at but that seems to not be fully updated (Geoserver Graduated, Team Engine not on page, Marble not even mentioned in this request). In order to finish this request I'll need to have an actual full list to work from. - Alex

comment:13 by Jeff McKenna, 12 years ago

Thanks Alex, looks good.


in reply to:  12 comment:14 by jive, 12 years ago

First up thanks for updating, that is is far more clear what is going on!

Replying to wildintellect:

In order to finish this request I'll need to have an actual full list to work from. - Alex

I updated the Incubation wiki page, but I am not sure we have we have a good list. That wiki page tracks progress - and some projects have not reported any progress yet.

As for they do not display the OSGeo project in incubation logo on their home page yet, so are not listed from our website yet.

I also note that GeoMoose has graduated since this request was made (and now needs to swap sides). Thanks for updating to include pycsw.

comment:15 by jive, 12 years ago

I take it back, marble does display the osgeo logo (near the bottom), while their mentor would normally arrange things we may as well do it now.

Details are: Marble

Anything else missing?

in reply to:  15 comment:16 by wildintellect, 12 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Replying to jive:

I take it back, marble does display the osgeo logo (near the bottom), while their mentor would normally arrange things we may as well do it now.

Details are: Marble

Anything else missing?

comment:17 by wildintellect, 12 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Has this project officially entered incubation?

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