Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 17 months ago

#1804 closed task

password reset resets wrong password if a user has >1 account on an email address — at Initial Version

Reported by: rduivenvoorde Owned by: sac@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin Keywords:


Somebody (well I'm not aware it was myself) created a (now removed) user 'test' in ldap, and used my email address with it, which already is used in my personal user account...

BUT trying to reset the 'test' user, my own account's password was actually rest as shown in the email: The temporary password for the OSGeo Userid "rduivenvoorde" is "".

So we cannot even rest the test-user password.

I think it should not be possible to add a user with an already available/used email address?

OR the reset form should work on account name and not with email address?

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