Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #1817, comment 4

11/30/16 21:01:18 (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #1817, comment 4

    v1 v2  
    2020: note that [ my proposal] has always been to do initial development through alpha-testing on a freehost, aka an external SMW provider, precisely to avoid any such collision.
    22 This brings us to our first main (indeed, fundamental) difference. You want to use the current wikihost. That was my intention, until I learned that the current wiki is so very downlevel (see ticket:1819) as to be insecure. For confirmation that this is not merely my opinion, see [ this thread on SMW-users]. Regarding contributors to that thread, note that Jeroen De Dauw is [ SMW's co-core developer] and Karsten Hoffmeyer (kghbin) is the [ editor in chief of SMW's website and doc] (as well as the operator of WikiHoster). So while I am certainly an SMW newbie, my concerns regarding the insecurity of the current wikihost's configuration are shared by folks who are much more experienced with SMW and MW than I and probably you.
     22This brings us to our first main (indeed, fundamental) difference. You want to use the current wikihost. That was my intention, until I learned that the current wiki is so very downlevel (see ticket:1819) as to be insecure. For confirmation that this is not merely my opinion, see [ this thread on SMW-users]. Regarding contributors to that thread, note that Jeroen De Dauw is [ SMW's co-core developer] and Karsten Hoffmeyer (kghbin) is the [ editor in chief of SMW's website and doc] (as well as the operator of !WikiHoster). So while I am certainly an SMW newbie, my concerns regarding the insecurity of the current wikihost's configuration are shared by folks who are much more experienced with SMW and MW than I and probably you.
    2424Operating an internet-facing site as insecure as the current wikihost is, IMHO, not an option. Unfortunately, as both you and I have previously expressed, neither of us currently has spare cycles to commit to admin-ing the wiki longterm. Accordingly, unless someone steps forward and credibly commits both to update the current wikihost to a secure configuration and to maintain its security longterm, I will recommend moving the wiki instance to an external SMW provider. There are several, including some free options, and at least one (!WikiHoster) that offers support in both German and English. (I'll post more on pricing and availability separately.) These providers take care to keep both the underlying platform and the MW/SMW extensions uplevel--the current wikihost fails both.