Opened 17 months ago

Closed 8 months ago

#3000 closed task (fixed)

Sponsor page refresh

Reported by: cvvergara Owned by: cvvergara
Priority: major Milestone: Website Redesign 2024
Component: WebSite Keywords: sponsors website
Cc: jive




  • Do not show bronze sponsors on website footer
  • Under About OSGeo (around 11 pages, see comment bellow): Only Show Platinum & Diamond Sponsors
  • Stop the use of date of sponsorship for stop displaying the sponsors logo, and instead on type of sponsor add a row for sponsors no longer active (none: ex-sponsor)

I do not understand why Diamond (highest level) gets less than Platinum on these lines, and also there is a section "About OSGeo" that has 11 pages and a page within that section is "About OSGeo", my doubt here is it on the 11 pages or only on the "About OSGeo" page:

  • Diamond: Organization name listed in “about osgeo” section of foundation press releases.
  • Platinum: Organization name listed in “about osgeo” section of foundation press releases, website, and presentations “Supported by <YOU> and other sponsors.”

Another thing I dont get is for example this for Diamond:

  • Top Visibility on the OSGeo Sponsors web page in double column row using high visibility 340 x 340 squares
  • But the table mentions 500 x 500
  • TODO: Fix the fact that currently only one column is been handled in all categories

Blog Posts

  • Some categories mentions about blog posts where are they?

Change History (12)

comment:1 by cvvergara, 17 months ago

Component: Systems AdminWebSite
Owner: changed from sac@… to cvvergara

comment:2 by jive, 17 months ago

Thanks for looking at sponsor visibility. I guess these decisions are coming out of a meeting somewhere :P

Do not show bronze sponsors on website footer

My own feedback (note I am a bronze sponsor):

  • Rather than avoiding showing bronze sponsors - it would be great to adjust the frequency based on sponsorship level.

I do not understand why Diamond (highest level) gets less than Platinum on these lines

This appears to be a mistake:

  • Diamond gets less than Platinum - huh? has size Diamond 500x500 and Platinum 400x400 ?
  • Oh I see the text further down "340 x 340 square". I expect that text can be deleted and you can adjust the table based on what looks good.
  • Same thing with "Diamond" phrase name listed in “about osgeo”
  • press release format (any official communication from the board) should have a blurb "about osgeo"

there is a section "About OSGeo" that has 11 pages and a page within that section is "About OSGeo", my doubt here is it on the 11 pages or only on the "About OSGeo" page:

I do not understand this change?

  • For the About OSGeo pages there could be a wish to highlight the higher level sponsors more often? I still think a frequency based approach is "fair" here then removing bronze level sponsors completely.
  • I note that projects have been confused/upset when printing or viewing project pages and seeing sponsors having greater visibility then the core contributors.
  • I believe that removing sponsors from one section will invite he request to remove sponsors from another section. I believe the correct response to these requests: *you are welcome to sponsor as that is a marketing activity trading visibility for money*.

I wonder if this "about osgeo" perk is a misunderstanding?

The press release format often says "About OSGeo" at the end; mentioning sponsors as part of this blurb is a good perk as that is picked up when publishing a press release via a news service.

example: The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is not-for-profit 501(c)(4) organization to empower everyone with open source geospatial. The software foundation directly supports projects serving as an outreach and advocacy organization providing financial, organizational and legal support for the open source geospatial community. OSGeo works with HERE Technologies, GeoCat and other sponsors, along with our partners to foster an open approach to software, standards, data and education.

Some categories mentions about blog posts where are they?

There also is a blog post introducing sponsors when they make their financial commitment.

Last edited 17 months ago by jive (previous) (diff)

comment:3 by robe, 15 months ago

Milestone: Sysadmin Contract 2023-IIWebsite Redesign 2024

comment:4 by jive, 14 months ago

Vicky I owe you an apology about the bronze sponsors in the footer.

I was hoping to get a graphic designer to help, but the page is displaying as a single column right now and needs some emergency fixing. I guess it got confused over time / updates / edits and needs assistance.

Let me assemble some thoughts with the marketing committee on how we can do a fix - I will report back.

comment:5 by jive, 13 months ago

I have reviewed the design principles around the sponsor logo media files (see for details).

The sponsor media files are now produced into a tile with a white background with appropriate negative space around each logo. If you can restore column layout then these should work well together now.

comment:6 by jive, 13 months ago

As part of reviewing sponsor icon use above I noticed the difference between the footer assuming 195 x 80 image:

                <?php gi_load_template('templates/atomic/atom-image.php', array(
                    'src' => $logo['url'], 
                    'title' => $sponsor->post_title,
                    'width' => 195,
                    'height' => 80
                        )); ?>
                <?php if ($url): ?></a><?php endif; ?>

And the sponsor page assuming square images (of different sizes).

It may be helpful if we put the image in a square div of the requested size (say 500x500) and then adjust the image aspect ratio to match those expected by the footer (500 x 500x80/195).

This would allow the theme to "enforce" sizing constraints in the event a logo has not been prepared by hand.

comment:7 by cvvergara, 13 months ago

On #3140 code was modified to display as follows

  • Diamond: 1
  • Platinum: 2
  • Gold: 3
  • Silver: 4
  • Bronze: 5

comment:8 by jive, 13 months ago

Thanks, I think rather than a set number for each level, we should adjust the size provided so that the website can respond dynamically somewhat.

For example on my tablet screen the decision to display 5 bronze sponsors in one row is not dynamic, so that I get 4, then 1, then 4 again.

(I cannot figure out how to attach image from tablet, but you should be able to produce the same result using the responsive layout testing control in firefox)

Last edited 13 months ago by jive (previous) (diff)

comment:9 by jive, 13 months ago

Oh and I love the changes made thus far, it is looking so much better on a computer, just not other devices.

I we have our heart set on a specific number for each row then someone good at CSS may be able to accomplish it. I just ask that we keep the aspect ratio consistent with the footer (195:80 or 39:16).

comment:10 by jive, 11 months ago

This seems to provide some CSS magic to provide a background tile of the requested size, and then crop the provided image in:

We would still need to provide some padding but this is a good example of the kind of CSS I expect is possible.

comment:11 by jive, 8 months ago

This issue is still open as the manual process of making sponsor logos does not scale. If any future requests come in please use the template provided on the how to sponsor page.

If we do have a someone in position to work on the CSS approach it would be preferable.

comment:12 by jive, 8 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
Summary: SponsorsSponsor page refresh
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