Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of K8sFutures2019

02/06/19 19:50:41 (6 years ago)



  • K8sFutures2019

    v15 v16  
    66The event was presented to an audience of about 100 professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds, commercial, government and FOSS. Primary committers on many projects were also in attendance, also mostly from RedHat_Inc.
    8 The morning started out with the news that "security is a hard problem, and is not solved" .. there is a massive expansion of products and participants, and that most every C-Level executive in technology is identifying security as a key-concern in recent surveys. Of course, what is not stated on-stage is the relentless news articles on data-breaches of every kind, and a general worry about increasingly sophisticated attack vectors, up-to and including "AI" driven activity. Couple this with very popular and cost-effective "cloud" computing services, and the idea that security is important is self-evident.
     8The morning started out with the news that ''"security is a hard problem, and is not solved"'' ... A slide showing commercial security products in cloud systems showed that there has been a massive expansion of products and participants, and another showed that an increasing number of C-Level executives in technology companies are identifying security as a key-concern in recent surveys. Of course, what is not stated on-stage is the relentless news articles on data-breaches of every kind. Later in the day, a reference was made to a general worry about increasingly sophisticated attack vectors up-to and including "AI" driven activity. Couple these concerns with very popular and cost-effective "cloud" computing services, and the idea that security is important is self-evident.
    1010In the past two years, the Kubernetes system [0], originally from Google engineering and implemented in Golang, has moved to the forefront of container-driven workflows in industry. RedHat_Inc and others had been involved with Kubernetes, and also other container systems, but K8s as it is called for short, has momentum and with it, engineering resources. It is safe to say that it is a hard problem to accomplish well, and there is little to be gained by re-inventing these kinds of plumbing-level compute mechanisms.