Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#251 closed defect

apt fails upgrading or removing python package — at Initial Version

Reported by: maphew Owned by: maphew
Priority: major Component: Package
Version: Keywords: pkg-apt


The standalone apt.exe loads the python dll located in the same directory as itself even though it has the dll packaged internally. Consequently the in-use file cannot be deleted and replaced.

Workaround: copy apt.exe to a different location and run from there.

C:\>which apt

C:\>apt remove python
removing python 2.7.2-2
removed: B:\o4w\apps\Python27\tcl\tcl8.5\package.tcl
removed: B:\o4w\bin\python.exe
removed: B:\o4w\bin\w9xpopen.exe
removed: B:\o4w\bin\pythonw.exe
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1043, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 238, in remove
  File "<string>", line 453, in do_uninstall
WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'B:\\o4w\\bin\\python27.dll'

C:\>copy b:\o4w\bin\apt.exe D:\

C:\>D:\apt.exe remove python
removing python 2.7.2-2
warning: B:\o4w\apps\Python27\tcl\tcl8.5\package.tcl no such file
warning: B:\o4w\bin\python.exe no such file
warning: B:\o4w\bin\w9xpopen.exe no such file
warning: B:\o4w\bin\pythonw.exe no such file
removed: B:\o4w\bin\python27.dll
removed: B:\o4w\etc\ini\python.bat

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