Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#528 closed defect

issues with scipy, numpy 1.12.1 (missing dll) — at Initial Version

Reported by: karisraetenn Owned by: osgeo4w-dev@…
Priority: major Component: Package
Version: Keywords: numpy scipy


I just updated my OSGeo install (for 64 bit machines). Now one of my python scripts fails when I attempt to load ndimage and stats from scipy (line from scipy import ndimage, stats). The error message is that there is a missing dll.

I found this page: It was helpful, although it looks like it points to an older version of numpy than the current install.

the blog fix is for: fixed with numpy-1.11.0-2 (x86_64) (1.11.0-1 was missing fortran dlls)

Current install is: numpy 1.12.1

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