Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of GSoC2013Reports

09/12/13 16:40:07 (12 years ago)



  • GSoC2013Reports

    v7 v8  
     211=== Work done in week 12-16 August #9 ===
     212'''1. Work Done:'''
     215    * I have fixed the license display widget resize in the installer
     216    * I had stored licenses that have been installed in order to not installed it again.
     217    * I had resolved the problem in file, because the current compiler couldn't build setup.exe because It had some
     218      incompatible macros ( __CYGWIN32__). I removed the problem with unused variables( compiler can't build them if there are).
     219    * I also applied and merged a patch file with md5 sums feature for license file proposed by Jürgen(autor).
     220    * I had made sure the C runtime functions use the same code page as the GUI
     221    * And I updated the make files and bootstrap script for automatic generation of configure file  and st_configure file was removed
     222      because is unnecesary and I updated wiki pages.   
     225'''2. Problems Faced :'''
     227    * No 
     230'''3. Work to be done in the next week:'''
     232    *  I am going to work with post install issues
     235=== Work done in week 19-23 August #10 ===
     236'''1. Work Done:'''
     238    * I am still working in post installation files
     239    * I added printing features to licenses.
     240    * I did format to licenses in order to support break lines of .txt licenses
     242'''2. Problems Faced :'''
     244    * Yes, I had some problems with end lines of .txt licenses showing into windows controls, but it was resolved
     249'''3. Work to be done in the next week:'''
     252    * I will continue working in postinstall files
     253    * I will do a translation of res_en.rc file to spanish language
     254    * I will contact with other translators of each languages in order to have res_* files updated with new features of installer
     258=== Work done in week 26-30 August #11 ===
     259'''1. Work Done:'''
     262    * The main work done this week was around automation of generation setup.ini file with a perl script, I was learning perl language in order
     263      to change some script files from the server.
     264    * I had contacted with some autors of traductions and added Russian & Ukrainain languages to svn server
     265    * I am working with spanish version, in two days I will have finished
     266    * I tested printing functionality of license and it works fine.
     267    * I added locales for support languages.
     268    * I tested gdal-ecw and gdal-mrsid packages and they worsk fine
     269    * I tested all setup installer
     271'''2. Problems Faced :'''
     273    * I had some problems learning perl languages and creating test for generation of setup.ini file but it was resolved
     274    * I deleted one directory of  packages, but it was recovered immediately
     278'''3. Work to be done in the next week:'''
     280    * I will finish automation setup.ini with perl script
     281    * Testing locales of languages
     282    * Prepare package documentation on licenses
     283    * I will continue testing.
     286=== Work done in week 2-6 September #12 ===
     287'''1. Work Done:'''
     290    * I finished the automation of perl script for generation of "setup.ini" file. I worked on server in a directory called
     291      [] where I created my testing version of tree with the new perl script.
     292    * I did documentation about how to add a new license file to non-open source package on server side and how to recreate
     293      the setup.ini file with a genini perl script at []
     294    * I added a short script "st_configure" to source for generation of Makefile
     295    * I fixed some bugs this week on code, you could see at []
     299'''2. Problems Faced :'''
     301    * No
     304'''3. Work to be done in the next week:'''
     306    * I will continue working on save all licenses in a specific directory
     307    * I will talk with my Mentor about my work and "Pencils down" date
     308    * I will add more Documentation