
Version 7 (modified by jef, 12 years ago) ( diff )


PackageListing Package Listing


  • Base runtime libraries, and installer/runtime support executables
  • This package includes the Microsoft runtimes corresponding to Visual Studio 6, 2002 (7.0), 2003 (7.1) and 9.0 (2008).
  • The visual studio 8.0 runtime is actually installed in the system directory by virtue of a post install step running and then deleting the file vcredist_x86.exe.
  • This package includes xxmklink used for creating start menu and desktop links in post install scripts.
  • This package includes textreplace used for post processing scripts with hardcoded paths as part of post install scripts.
  • This package includes dllupdate used for installing dlls into \windows\system32 when newer as part of post install scripts.
  • This package includes nircm alternativly usable to create shortcuts, running batch files windowless and more.
  • This package creates the o4w_env.bat used by some scripts to setup the OSGeo4W environment.
  • Maintained by FrankWarmerdam.


v1.0.1-9: added nircmd to allow starting batch files from a shortcut without a flashing cmd window. (JuergenFischer)

v1.0.1-8: Fix installation of vcredist 2005 when username contains 2-byte characters (fixes #362) (JuergenFischer)

v1.0.1-7: updated use of pushd in o4w_env.bat so that it works on Windows 2000 (fixes #276) (MattWilkie)

v1.0.1-6: updated o4w_env.bat so that it is portable, meaning OSGEO4W_ROOT is no longer hardcoded and is calculated at runtime (MattWilkie)

v1.0.1-5 and earlier: not recorded

Open tickets

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Recently closed tickets

defect type tickets:

lasinfo reports missing msvcp120.dll
QGIS 2.6 doesn't install (crssync and qgis-bin missing msvc210.dll)
o4w_env.bat pollutes stdout with OSGEO4W home info
Osgeo4w.bat problem with setting root
Fail to install vc++2005 runtime during installation with a Japapense (2byte) user name

enhancement type tickets:

unbundle osgeo4w-files from msvcrt-package

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