Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of pkg-msys
- Timestamp:
- 02/08/12 11:33:19 (13 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v22 v23 23 23 1. Download [ msysCORE-1.0.11-bin.tar.gz]. Extract tarball into `C:\osgeo4w\apps\msys`. 24 24 25 2. Copy `c:\osgeo4w\apps\msys\etc\fstab.sample` to `c:\osgeo4w\apps\msys\etc\fstab` (without .sample)25 2. Modify `c:\osgeo4w\apps\msys\msys.bat`, see attachment:msys.bat.diff 26 26 27 3. Open `c:\osgeo4w\apps\msys\etc\fstab`27 3. Copy `c:\osgeo4w\apps\msys\etc\fstab.sample` to `c:\osgeo4w\apps\msys\etc\fstab` (without .sample) 28 28 29 4. At line 16, change: 29 4. Open `c:\osgeo4w\apps\msys\etc\fstab` 30 31 5. At line 16, change: 30 32 {{{ 31 33 c:/mingw /mingw … … 36 38 c:/osgeo4w/ /osgeo4w 37 39 }}} 38 5. Download the MinGW packages:40 6. Download the MinGW packages: 39 41 (''[ updates may be found here]'') 40 42 * '''bin-utils''' from [ here] … … 46 48 * '''w32api''' from [ here] (dev package only) 47 49 48 6. Download the latest '''make''' program compliant with the OSGeo4W framework from [ here]50 7. Download the latest '''make''' program compliant with the OSGeo4W framework from [ here] 49 51 (''future updates may be found [ here]'') 50 52 51 7. Unpack to `c:\osgeo4w\apps\msys` (the content of the sub-folders in the zip-files - ''bin'', ''share'' have to be copied into the related sub-folders of `c:\osgeo4w\apps\msys`)53 8. Unpack to `c:\osgeo4w\apps\msys` (the content of the sub-folders in the zip-files - ''bin'', ''share'' have to be copied into the related sub-folders of `c:\osgeo4w\apps\msys`) 52 54 53 8. Close and re-open msys to reload the settings.55 9. Close and re-open msys to reload the settings. 54 56 55 57 === Pre-built Binaries ===