Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#2247 closed task

Python and Jupyter — at Version 1

Reported by: darkblueb Owned by: osgeolive@…
Priority: normal Milestone: OSGeoLive15.0
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords: jupyter, python

Description (last modified by darkblueb)

ubuntu focal 20.04 LTS LXQt

Install python and jupyter from the default Ubuntu repositories; note the results.

my first goal was to have a packaged setup that satisfies the pySAL mapclassify requirement, which is sensible and they wrote it recently . it is now [ numpy matplotlib descartes scipy sklearn pandas seaborn geopandas ]

$ grep Get /home/shared/OSGEO_Misc/o14_misc/py_installs_raw_24jun2020.txt | sed -e 's/^Get.*focal\///' -e 's/ amd64 /\t/' -e 's/\]//' -e 's/ \[/\t/'  | sort -u

main	fonts-font-awesome all 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-1	514 kB
main	libamd2 amd64 1:5.7.1+dfsg-2	20.0 kB
main	libcamd2 amd64 1:5.7.1+dfsg-2	21.7 kB
main	libccolamd2 amd64 1:5.7.1+dfsg-2	23.2 kB
main	libcholmod3 amd64 1:5.7.1+dfsg-2	308 kB
main	libmetis5 amd64 5.1.0.dfsg-5	169 kB
main	libumfpack5 amd64 1:5.7.1+dfsg-2	229 kB
main	python3-click all 7.0-3	64.8 kB
main	python3-colorama all 0.4.3-1build1	23.9 kB
main	python3-defusedxml all 0.6.0-2	37.0 kB
main	python3-munch all 2.3.2-2	7,984 B
main	python3-packaging all 20.3-1	26.8 kB
main	python3-psutil amd64 5.5.1-1ubuntu4	141 kB                 
main	python3-wcwidth all 0.1.8+dfsg1-3	17.4 kB
main	python3-wrapt amd64 1.11.2-2build1	30.6 kB
universe	fonts-glyphicons-halflings all 1.009~3.4.1+dfsg-1	117 kB
universe	ipython3 all 7.13.0-1	4,988 B
universe	jupyter all 4.6.3-3	3,368 B
universe	jupyter-client all 6.1.2-1	5,812 B
universe	jupyter-console all 6.0.0-2	2,820 B
universe	jupyter-core all 4.6.3-3	5,196 B
universe	jupyter-nbconvert all 5.6.1-1	4,284 B
universe	jupyter-nbextension-jupyter-js-widgets all 6.0.0-6	214 kB
universe	jupyter-nbformat all 5.0.4-1	3,228 B
universe	jupyter-notebook all 6.0.3-2	5,952 B                   
universe	jupyter-qtconsole all 4.6.0-1	5,328 B                  
universe	libblosc1 amd64 1.17.1+ds1-1	32.2 kB
universe	libdsdp-5.8gf amd64 5.8-9.4build1	184 kB
universe	libglpk40 amd64 4.65-2	378 kB
universe	libjs-backbone all 1.3.3~dfsg-5	176 kB
universe	libjs-bootstrap all 3.4.1+dfsg-1	124 kB
universe	libjs-bootstrap-tour all 0.12.0+dfsg-2	20.4 kB
universe	libjs-codemirror all 5.51.0-1	609 kB
universe	libjs-es6-promise all 4.2.8-6	14.7 kB                  
universe	libjs-jed all 1.1.1-1	12.2 kB                          
universe	libjs-jquery-typeahead all 2.11.0+dfsg1-1	47.0 kB      
universe	libjs-marked all 0.5.1+dfsg-1	17.7 kB                  
universe	libjs-moment all 2.24.0+ds-2	126 kB                    
universe	libjs-requirejs all 2.3.6-1	29.9 kB                    
universe	libjs-requirejs-text all 2.0.12-1	8,894 B              
universe	libjs-text-encoding all 0.7.0-1	104 kB                 
universe	libjs-xterm all 3.8.1-3	56.0 kB                        
universe	liblbfgsb0 amd64 3.0+dfsg.3-7build1	29.5 kB
universe	libspatialindex-c6 amd64 1.9.3-1build1	58.3 kB
universe	libspatialindex-dev amd64 1.9.3-1build1	16.0 kB        
universe	pandoc amd64 2.5-3build2	15.4 MB                       
universe	pandoc-data all 2.5-3build2	76.0 kB                    
universe	python3-affine all 2.3.0-1	13.8 kB
universe	python3-atomicwrites all 1.1.5-2build1	7,016 B
universe	python3-backcall all 0.1.0-2	11.2 kB
universe	python3-bleach all 3.1.1-1	108 kB
universe	python3-blosc amd64 1.7.0+ds1-2ubuntu2	22.0 kB
universe	python3-click-plugins all 1.1.1-2	9,704 B
universe	python3-cligj all 0.5.0-2	7,708 B
universe	python3-cloudpickle all 1.3.0-1	23.4 kB
universe	python3-cvxopt amd64 1.2.3+dfsg-2build1	259 kB
universe	python3-dask all 2.8.1+dfsg-0.4	532 kB
universe	python3-deprecated all 1.2.7-1	8,432 B
universe	python3-descartes all 1.1.0-3	6,108 B
universe	python3-et-xmlfile all 1.0.1-2.1	9,224 B
universe	python3-fiona amd64 1.8.13-1build3	469 kB
universe	python3-fsspec all 0.6.1-0.1	45.7 kB
universe	python3-geographiclib amd64 1.50.1-1build1	32.2 kB
universe	python3-geojson all 2.5.0-2	13.3 kB                    
universe	python3-geopandas all 0.7.0-1	861 kB                   
universe	python3-geopy all 1.20.0-1	53.4 kB                     
universe	python3-ipykernel all 5.2.0-1	76.8 kB
universe	python3-ipython all 7.13.0-1	494 kB
universe	python3-ipywidgets all 6.0.0-6	31.0 kB                 
universe	python3-jdcal all 1.0-1.3	7,944 B
universe	python3-jedi all 0.15.2-1	502 kB
universe	python3-joblib all 0.14.0-3	192 kB                     
universe	python3-jupyter-client all 6.1.2-1	69.5 kB
universe	python3-jupyter-console all 6.0.0-2	18.2 kB
universe	python3-locket all 0.2.0-1	4,562 B
universe	python3-mistune all 0.8.4-2	14.3 kB
universe	python3-nbconvert all 5.6.1-1	102 kB
universe	python3-nose all 1.3.7-5	116 kB                        
universe	python3-notebook all 6.0.3-2	1,094 kB                  
universe	python3-numexpr amd64 2.7.1-1build1	133 kB
universe	python3-openpyxl all 3.0.3-1	144 kB
universe	python3-pandas all 0.25.3+dfsg-7	1,968 kB              
universe	python3-pandas-lib amd64 0.25.3+dfsg-7	4,628 kB
universe	python3-pandocfilters all 1.4.2-2	18.9 kB
universe	python3-parso all 0.5.2-1ubuntu1	62.8 kB
universe	python3-partd all 1.0.0-1	14.8 kB                      
universe	python3-patsy all 0.5.1-1	168 kB
universe	python3-pickleshare all 0.7.5-2	7,560 B
universe	python3-pluggy all 0.13.0-2	18.4 kB                    
universe	python3-prometheus-client all 0.7.1-1.1	33.3 kB
universe	python3-prompt-toolkit all 2.0.10-2	220 kB
universe	python3-py all 1.8.1-1	65.4 kB                         
universe	python3-pysal all 2.1.0-1	14.3 MB                      
universe	python3-pytest all 4.6.9-1	178 kB                      
universe	python3-qtconsole all 4.6.0-1	87.6 kB                  
universe	python3-rasterio amd64 1.1.3-1	997 kB
universe	python3-rtree all 0.9.4-1	54.0 kB                      
universe	python3-scipy amd64 1.3.3-3build1	11.1 MB              
universe	python3-seaborn all 0.10.0-1	155 kB
universe	python3-send2trash all 1.5.0-2	9,704 B
universe	python3-shapely amd64 1.7.0-1build1	248 kB             
universe	python3-sklearn all 0.22.2.post1+dfsg-5	1,773 kB       
universe	python3-sklearn-lib amd64 0.22.2.post1+dfsg-5	2,358 kB 
universe	python3-snuggs all 1.4.7-1	6,744 B
universe	python3-statsmodels all 0.11.1-1	3,939 kB              
universe	python3-statsmodels-lib amd64 0.11.1-1	1,574 kB        
universe	python3-tables all 3.6.1-2build1	333 kB                
universe	python3-tables-lib amd64 3.6.1-2build1	501 kB          
universe	python3-terminado all 0.8.2-3	9,312 B
universe	python3-testpath all 0.4.4+dfsg-1	9,040 B
universe	python3-toolz all 0.9.0-1	42.0 kB
universe	python3-tornado amd64 6.0.3+really5.1.1-3	304 kB
universe	python3-tqdm all 4.30.0-1	68.4 kB                      
universe	python3-widgetsnbextension all 6.0.0-6	4,888 B         
universe	python3-xlrd all 1.1.0-5	90.8 kB                       
universe	python3-xlwt all 1.3.0-3	83.7 kB                       
universe	python3-zmq amd64 18.1.1-3	294 kB                      
universe	python-tables-data all 3.6.1-2build1	45.7 kB
universe	rasterio all 1.1.3-1	8,868 B

Change History (1)

comment:1 by darkblueb, 5 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
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